Author Archives: Brendan

Yes, Virginia, there is an NCAA Pool

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My NCAA and NIT Pools are being hosted over on The Living Room Tumblr this year. Direct pool entry links: • • • Also, be sure to “like” the pools on Facebook. Updates will be posted on Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook — not here. The NIT Pool deadline is at 5:00 PM Eastern tonight (Tuesday). The Men’s… Read more »

Join my 19th annual NCAA & NIT Pools!

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] It’s that time of year again! Everybody in the pools! The Living Room Times NCAA and NIT pools are, as always, free to enter. There is no monetary or tangible prize – just a chance at bragging rights, a.k.a. ETERNAL GLORY! Complete rules here. Entry links below. Good luck! Men’s NCAA… Read more »

Blasingame, Kosek, Loy shatter Oscar Pool points record; Kosek is first 2-time winner

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] Eugenie Blasingame (@nSquib), Lisa Kosek (@littlebit12) and pool administrator Brendan Loy (@brendanloy) attained ETERNAL GLORY last night in the 10th annual Living Room Times Oscar Pool, and did so in record-breaking fashion – getting 77 out of a possible 80 points in predicting who would win the Academy Awards. The… Read more »

SNARKNADO! Mock the Oscars with the Loys!

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] First of all, if you haven’t already, join my 10th annual Oscar Pool! The deadline is 5:30 PM Mountain Time today (Sunday). Second, this is where you’ll find Becky’s and my annual Live-Blog / Live-Chat / Live-Snark, a.k.a. SNARKNADO 2014, starting tonight at 6:00 PM MST, or thereabouts. It will… Read more »

10th annual Oscar Pool!

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] The Oscars are this Sunday, which means it’s time for the 10th annual Living Room Times Oscar Pool! The pool is free to enter. As always, there’s no monetary prize – just a shot at bragging rights and, well, you know. (Here is the list of past winners. @gswoods is… Read more »

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] Upon noticing a Facebook friend’s new profile picture of herself and her husband as a young couple in love, ~20(?) years ago, I was inspired to go find and post my all-time favorite picture of Becky and me, from almost 14 years ago. (Long-time readers might remember it from Defining… Read more »

Looking for a contest? Check my Tumblr

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As you may have noticed, this blog has gone completely dormant over the last year. I’ve been slow in setting up redirects, but if you’re looking for an Oscar or NCAA pool, go to my Tumblr page, “The Living Room Tumblr,” at I’m not formally shutting this blog down — who knows, maybe I’ll pick it up again at… Read more »

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] SCENE: [2 1/2-year-old daughter wakes up at 5:15 AM and walks out of her room. Daddy goes to her.] Me: “It’s still nighttime, sweetie. Time to go back to bed.” Her: (whimpering) “But…I want to…snuggle…in the chair!” Me: (Thinks to myself that I shouldn’t indulge this, as it encourages her… Read more »

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] “You kind of set off an eternal winter… everywhere.”

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] -10° on the outdoor thermometer at @StapletonDenver’s Swigert McAuliffe school. #cowx #brrrr