Author Archives: Brendan

In case you missed it…

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It got rather badly buried Thursday, amid all the conference expansion and USC sanction tweets, but I still think this clip is really freakin’ funny: Teehee. Inflatable hover-fort.

USC in CO every 2 to 5 years? Pinch me

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Could USC football be coming soon to a stadium near me — i.e., the University of Colorado’s Folsom Field, just up the road in Boulder — not once every eight years, as under the anticipated Pac-16, but rather once every 2 to 5 years? It’s looking more and more that way: In a bombshell development that could bring a halt… Read more »

iPhone 4 vs. HTC EVO vs. ???

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So… Becky and I are almost certainly going to imminently upgrade, finally, to smartphones. Indeed, the tentative plan has been to pre-order two iPhone 4s on Tuesday, the first day it’s possible to do so. But we’re not under contract with anyone right now, so all options are available to us. And I’m concerned about the AT&T network issues that… Read more »

USA vs. England open thread

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I dunno how many World Cup fans I have among my readership, or how many of those will be on the blog this fine Saturday afternoon… but if anyone is looking for a place to comment on the USA vs. England game, here you go. Anti-British slurs are welcome because, really, who’s racist against British people? (Maybe dentists? Ha!) FIGHT… Read more »

USC will keep 2004 AP title

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This is not unexpected, but it’s now been confirmed: USC will keep its 2004 Associated Press national championship, regardless of whether the BCS requires the Trojans to forfeit the ’04 BCS title — which they probably will. Thus, the Trojans will have two consecutive AP-only titles, and LSU fans will get to gleefully mock the “Zero-Pete” dynasty. (And we will… Read more »

An omen?

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We had a gorgeous double-rainbow over our neighborhood this evening: It’d be overkill to get all “small and passing thing” about this: NCAA scholarship restrictions and bowl bans are not equivalent to the great Shadow of evil, beyond whose reach is much “light and high beauty” like this rainbow. Even so, it was a refreshing sight at the end of… Read more »

Fight On.

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Because true fans support their team even on the really, really bad days: Immediately after the Stanford loss in ’07, I wore my USC sweatshirt out, and took the expected abuse. Today — an even worse day, though that didn’t seem possible then — I’m flying our USC flag. Because whatever the football and basketball programs did wrong, and whatever… Read more »

NCAA reportedly brings hammer down on USC, forever tarnishing Carroll Era and imperiling program’s future

FriendFeed: ESPN: “The USC football program will receive a two-year postseason ban, a reduction in scholarships and a forfeiture of wins from at least the 2004 season when the NCAA releases it sanctions on Thursday.”