Author Archives: Brendan

Memorial Day, explained to (and by) a two-year-old

Me: “I’m going to put up our American flag, because it’s Memorial Day weekend, and Memorial Day is a very patriotic holiday.” Loyette: “Are we going to the holiday?” Me: “It’s not a holiday you go to, sweetie, it’s a holiday you celebrate with your family and friends and your community, to honor the brave soldiers who fought for our… Read more »

Party like it’s 2005? “Active to extremely active” hurricane season predicted

I’ve written extensively in the past on why I think preseason tropical activity forecasts are generally fairly useless. And indeed, trying to specifically predict a particular number of storms is pretty silly. Although hurricane seasons are medium-period events, occupying the gray area between long-term weather and short-term climate, individual hurricanes are short-period events, influenced heavily by other short-period events, which… Read more »

“America is at something closer to an event-horizon than a cross-roads”

[Kudos to Terry Corcoran for coming up with an alternative title for this blog post: Brendan’s Grand Unified Theory of PANIC!!!!!! Hahaha. Brilliant. -ed.] I had an interesting conversation with Melissa Clouthier (and, chiming in at one point, Doug Mataconis) on Twitter today. It started with me criticizing Melissa for, in my view, propagating patently unfair criticisms about President Obama,… Read more »

Tooth of Truth

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I got my wisdom teeth out this morning. All four of ’em. The white thing on my face is an ice pack. And I’m loopy from being put under. I blame Obama. UPDATE, 7:38 PM: [Bumped. -ed.] So, I’m doing well. Lots of apple sauce and yogurt, and Becky’s yummy homemade carrot soup. I’m taking Percocet (or rather, a generic… Read more »

The View From Our (Hotel) Window

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In honor of the recent political chaos in Connecticut — land of Richard “Misplaced Words” Blumenthal and Susan “Active Practice (NOT!)” Bysiewicz — I have, as you can see, put up a new blog masthead, above, showing the beautiful view of the State Capitol from the ninth-floor room at the Holiday Inn Express where Becky, the girls and I stayed… Read more »

The deficit, solved

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Ross Douthat has solved America’s deficit problem: Good news, America: Using the online budget simulator created by the good people at the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, I’ve successfully reduced our deficit to a relatively stable 60 percent of G.D.P. by the year 2018. All it took was means-testing Social Security and raising the retirement age to 68, keeping… Read more »

I still think Dick Blumenthal will surivive

Will my snap prediction that “Richard Blumenthal will survive misstatement-gate, and will be sworn in as Connecticut’s junior senator on January 3, 2011” go down in the pantheon of Great Brendan Loy Political Prognostications, alongisde Rudy Giuliani will win the 2008 GOP nomination and Hillary Clinton “will not win a single primary”? Twenty-four hours later, survey says… “The latest Rasmussen… Read more »