Author Archives: Brendan

Lieberman’s citizenship-stripping bill: Bad idea, or worst idea ever?

In the wake of the latest asinine debate over whether U.S. citizens arrested on U.S. soil on suspicion of terrorism (conservative police-statists, please stop and re-read that phrase — “on suspicion of” — as in, not convicted, as in not guilty, as in presumed innocent — as many times as necessary until your alleged small-government principles are activated) should be… Read more »

My Defining Days of the Decade: #3

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Continuing with my long-delayed Brendan’s Defining Days of the Decade series, we’re into the home stretch now, the Top 3. Unfortunately, in contrast to many joyous days on the list, this one is memorable for all the wrong reasons. But its status as a defining day — of my decade, and probably of yours too — is undeniable. First, to… Read more »

Lake Tennessee

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I’ve been mostly neglecting the big weather news in Becky’s and my last pre-Colorado home state, and Loyette’s state of birth, Tennessee. But it’s bad, with just awful flooding (albeit mostly in Middle Tennessee, not East Tennessee where we lived). Here’s the front page of today’s Nashville Tennesseean: More photos here.

The Moment

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I just submitted a picture, taken at 9:00 AM Mountain Time this morning, to the New York Times for its “Moment In Time” global photo mosaic (organized by its “The Lens” blog). One of the topics is “Family,” and this certainly falls into that category: The pictured scene came together on its own; Loyette spontaneously decided to start organizing her… Read more »

A scary thought: Hurricane Oil?

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There’s a lot of talk about the allegedly slow reaction to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill being “Obama’s Katrina.” I haven’t followed it closely enough to have an opinion on that. But could the moniker prove more literal than anyone now imagines? Blogger Alan Sullivan, who predicted “significant harm to the Gulf” from the BP explosion at a time… Read more »

NERD PROM! Obama rips Leno, Biden, Goldman, Rahm, Crist, Steele, Romney, Brown, Palin, himself at “big f***in’ meal”

Lots of good stuff at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, a.k.a. #nerdprom, last night. I love the jabs at Leno. And Orly Taitz is totally working on a new federal court filing as we speak. OMG HE ADMITTED HE WAS BORN IN KENYA!!! HE ADMITTED HE HASN’T SHOWN US HIS REAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE!!! [Bumped. -ed.] UPDATE: After the jump, the… Read more »

Hero cops [UPDATE: and hero t-shirt vendor!] stop incompetent terrorist from igniting Times Square car bomb

That, at least, is my initial take on this Daily News account of tonight’s events in Times Square: Heroic cops stopped a car bomb from blowing up in the heart of Times Square Saturday night, officials told the Daily News. Two female cops patrolling the area noticed a man fumbling with something in the back of a Nissan SUV parked… Read more »

Heads asplode as Notre Dame releases lame promotional video

From the official Notre Dame YouTube channel: My initial reaction was “meh,” but I watched it on my new iPod Touch, which makes everything seem more cool / less lame, and I had the volume low. The Domersphere as a whole, meanwhile, is dying of embarrassment. Here is Her Loyal Sons’ take. See also the comments here. ND Nation threads… Read more »

My Defining Days of the Decade: #4

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It’s been almost four full months since my series on Brendan’s Defining Days of the Decade — of the previous decade, that is — came to a screeching halt. We’re now almost a third of a year into the 2010s, which means 3.2% of this decade is already over! And yet I’ve still got four “Defining Days” posts to go…. Read more »

Sometimes, the shot goes in

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If you sort of squint at this clip of an Adriatic League basketball game’s dramatic finish, you can almost pretend the Croatians (in white) are Duke, the Serbians (in black) are Butler… and Gordon Hayward’s shot goes in. The uniforms are even the right colors! (Kinda.) You may want to turn down the volume, though, as Croatia/”Duke” is, distractingly for… Read more »