Author Archives: Brendan

New NCAA president: college football playoff is “inevitable”

The NCAA’s new president, the University of Washington’s Mark Emmert, said eighteen months ago that he thinks a college football playoff is… This according to a Seattle Times column by Bud Withers: Here’s a wild guess. When Emmert hangs ’em up as NCAA president — in five years, in a decade — we might remember him as the guy who… Read more »

Fire Mike Brey? (For real?)

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In case you missed my tweet earlier, it seems there are some rather salacious rumors floating around South Bend about Notre Dame men’s basketball coach — and legendary on-again, off-again Whipping Boy / Silly Meme Generator — Mike Brey. While this is still mostly in the realm of rumor and “undernews” for now, it appears there is some possibility… Read more »

Go &*$% yourselves, extremist Islamist morons

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Back in April 2006, when controversy erupted over a South Park episode featuring an image of Mohammed (kinda sorta), the old Irish Trojan’s Blog was all over it (and got a bunch of Instalanches and Malkin-lanches, as I recall). Now, almost exactly four years later, history is repeating itself, but alas, I haven’t had the time to follow it closely,… Read more »

One year ago today…

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…Becky and I closed on our house. Five days later, we moved in: We love our house, and have every intention of staying in it for, well, pretty much forever, or at least until the girls are all grown up. We specifically decided to buy a place that wasn’t a “starter home,” but a house that we can see ourselves… Read more »

Beat the Bruins!

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The Buffalo Sabres, down 3-1 to the hated Boston Bruins in the Eastern Conference quarterfinals, return home to HSBC Arena tonight, trying to keep their playoff drive alive. Via @SI_24Seven, here’s an article titled “Bruins have blown series lead before,” giving hope to Sabres fans everywhere. All I can say is: Game starts an hour from now, at 5pm Mountain… Read more »

Hitler video meme under attack by copyright holder; Hilter pissed

The movie studio that made Downfall, the film that launched a thousand Hilter parody videos (previous posts here, here and here), is abusing copyright law by yanking the videos off YouTube. (Fair use, anyone?!?) Naturally, Hitler is not happy about this: LOL! (Warning: profanity in the subtitles, as per usual. … Hat tip: Outside the Beltway.)

The Fog of 4/20

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Five days after Tea Partiers rallied at the State Capitol building in Denver, a very different kind of protest/party took place in the same spot two days ago, Tuesday, 4/20. If the date doesn’t clue you in, you can divine the difference from the cloud of hazy smoke above their heads. It’s not a Tea Party, it’s a Weed Party:… Read more »

The Superconference Megatournament, or, the End of College Basketball

I’ve made clear my opinion, in the face of some dissent, that, unless done right (which it won’t be), expansion of the NCAA Tournament to a 96-team field is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad, wolf-face crazy idea that would reward mediocrity, squelch tournament magic, and generally destroy the greatest sporting event ever created. But, well, okay, did I… Read more »

Earth, (solar) wind, and fire

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Of all the volcano-related photos I’ve seen recently — including the beautiful gallery of Eyjafjallajökull pics on the Boston Globe‘s always-awesome photoblog, The Big Picture — this one is my favorite. It was taken by Arnþór Ævarsson of Hveragerði, Iceland, on April 5, and it shows the volcano in the foreground… and the aurora borealis in the background. The volcano… Read more »