Author Archives: Brendan

Josh Rubin leads NIT Pool; 7 still alive

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With the NIT quarterfinals halfway finished, Josh Rubin sits in first place in the 6th annual Living Room Times NIT Pool. Seven contestants, including Rubin, are still mathematically alive to win the pool. Anywhere between two and five more contestants will be eliminated tomorrow, when Illinois plays Dayton and Virginia Tech plays Rhode Island in the last two quarterfinals. After… Read more »

Spring Break Snowpocalypse

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Ever since the Beltway blizzards, I’ve been making #snowpocalypse jokes whenever we get a flurry in Denver. But, in all seriousness, it’s pretty intense out there right now. When I left work, it was just starting to snow, with some thunder to boot, but with no accumulation yet. Just over four hours later, it looked like this: It’s been a… Read more »

God bless Joe Biden

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Here’s video of Vice President Joe Biden dropping the f-bomb during this morning’s ObamaCare signing ceremony, reminding the Big Guy that “this is a big f***ing deal.” Someone really needs to familiarize Joe Biden with the concept of microphones. Don’t you love the strained smile on Obama’s face immediately after Biden says it? It’s a smile that says: “Joe, you… Read more »

It’s late, it’s Tate, it’s great!

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Twenty years ago today, I became a college basketball fan. No, really. That’s not an exaggeration. The Sweet 16 game between UConn and Clemson in 1990, ending in the Burrell-to-George miracle shown above, was literally the first basketball game I ever watched in anything close to its entirety. As I recalled some years ago, tracing my history as a March… Read more »

NCAA Tourney Day 4 live-tweeting

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Rather than allow my homepage to be overrun by tweets again today, I’m going to funnel everything into this window. To comment, either click “Make a comment,” or tweet something @brendanloy. In addition to my tweets, any tweets from a bunch of Gonzaga bloggers, and other college-hoops bloggers, will also auto-post. P.S. Loyette says, “Go Zags!” UPDATE: I’m changing the… Read more »

Basketball Break

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I probably won’t stick with this — I certainly won’t if UCSB or Houston pull, or come close to pulling, the upsets — but, for now, I think I’m going to take a break from tweeting the games and just watch/relax. And, in the spirit of Andrew Sullivan’s “Mental Health Breaks,” I offer the following “Basketball Break,” courtesy of Roger… Read more »


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Now underway, with Gus Johnson announcing! Live coverage via my Twitter list: