Twitter: Heh. (cc: @jayljohnson) …
Twitter: Heh. (cc: @jayljohnson) RT @Mengus22: Personally, I find it hard to believe anyone in Alabama has $200,000.
Twitter: Heh. (cc: @jayljohnson) RT @Mengus22: Personally, I find it hard to believe anyone in Alabama has $200,000.
Twitter: RT @Lord_Voldemort7: #tweetyour16yearoldself Choose Neville Longbottom! Choose Neville Longbottom!
Twitter: OR. SO. THEY. WOULD. HAVE. YOU. BELIEVE!!! RT @slmandel: Auburn has confirmed that Newton IS eligible to play.
Twitter: RT @LarrySabato: Yes, both parties do dumb things in primaries, but Rs missed giant opportunities with poor nominees. Years like ’10 don’t come around often.
Twitter: RT @Heismanpundit: the mere allegation of misconduct and the shadow of reggie bush’s investigation have a real chance of sinking cam newton’s heisman hopes
Twitter: You gotta know when to fold ’em… RT @auburnbeat ESPN sources: Former MSU player Kenny Rogers shopped Cam Newton to Bulldogs for $180k.
Twitter: RT @HotlineJosh: Too Close to Call: @hotlinejeremy and I report and analyze what to expect in the undecided GOV, SEN and House races
Twitter: RT @Mengus22: #FreeCamNewton
Twitter: RT @espn4d: Breaking ESPN Exclusive: NCAA investigating Cam Newton’s recruitment:
Twitter: I am officially rooting for Bama in Iron Bowl, to prevent any possibility of pre-NCG Newton suspension tarnishing Boise natl title #ROLLTIDE