Twitter: RT @PeteThamelNYT: John …
Twitter: RT @PeteThamelNYT: John Bond, a former Mississippi State quarterback said today that “a payment had to be made” for Newton to play there. Miss State declined.
Twitter: RT @PeteThamelNYT: John Bond, a former Mississippi State quarterback said today that “a payment had to be made” for Newton to play there. Miss State declined.
Twitter: RT @PeteThamelNYT: BREAKING NEWS: We have on-record confirmation the NCAA is investigating the recruitment of Cameron Newton.
Twitter: The #boisePANIC angle of Cam Newton story can’t be overemphasized. 4 weeks til SEC CG. 9 wks til BCS CG. Decision in between very plausible.
Twitter: RT @edsbs The rumor: Cam Newton is ineligible for illegal benefits, and no one has any proof. Your AL AccuWeather weekend forecast: BULLS**T
Twitter: Watch Newton get suspended after SEC CG, before BCS title game between #1 Auburn and #2 Boise. Boise wins, proves nothing. #PANIC #RollTide?
Twitter: RT @BryanDFischer: Source: NCAA looking at Cam Newton for possibly receiving extra benefits.
Twitter: .@PatrickRuffini Also, Dems do better in poorer precincts, which have worse voting equipment and thus more problems on that end, too.
Twitter: Dem voters more likely to err. #demographics RT @PatrickRuffini: Iron Law of the Universe: Dems always pick up votes in late counts. ALWAYS.
Twitter: About these nebulous Cam Newton rumors, all I can say is: #wareaglePANIC!!
Twitter: RT @wkwinborn: For those wondering, the rumor is that a media outlet is working on a story about the Cam Newton recruitment. I’ll believe it when I see it