FriendFeed: Ugh, another correction is needed to my Election Contest results. (I feel like the AP in CT-GOV!) Current GOP House gain is 60, not 61. Possible range is 60-70, not 61-71. This means standings — for now — are Kevin Curran 102, TheSplenda 100, Matthias Shapiro 100, John Cary 99, three tied at 97.
Twitter: #demPANIC! RT @TheFix: GOP can draw nearly half of new House districts
Twitter: RT @AndyBarr34: Christie: “Short of suicide, I don’t really know what I’d have to do to convince you people that I’m not running”
Twitter: I love that God has a hashtag. #He must be so proud. RT @thedailybeast World’s Oldest Woman, 114, Dies…devoted to #God and her cat
Twitter: Medicare Part D? RT @AP_Top25: BCS boss on possible Justice Dept probe: “hard to imagine bigger waste of taxpayer money”
Twitter: RT @slmandel: THIS MUST HAPPEN!! RT @DesertVol: @slmandel If Fulmer goes to Minnesota, his first game will be against…Lane Kiffin.
Twitter: RT @JWilks26: I have fallen so ridonculously in love with the writing at @midmajority that I blogged about it for class. #S7
Twitter: RT @InsideUSC: Lane Kiffin embarks on his first November as USC’s head coach. Pete Carroll won his first 28 games in November.
Twitter: Heh. #NotBitter! RT @pourmecoffee: Not sure if we still have to set clock backs Sunday morning since we already set country back Tuesday.
Twitter: The key to the Foley-Malloy mess: “At one point, AP mistakenly thought it had 100% of the votes cast in New Haven”