Twitter: RT @kesgardner: Today …
Twitter: RT @kesgardner: Today is the first day of the 2012 election cycle. Woo hoo! #ineedaspirin
Twitter: RT @kesgardner: Today is the first day of the 2012 election cycle. Woo hoo! #ineedaspirin
Twitter: RT @mlcalderone: gets 80 million PVs on for election — best traffic day since Michael Jackson memorial in July 2009
Twitter: Florida and Washington both had really close elections yesterday, just out of habit.
Twitter: RT @daveweigel: Sigh.
Twitter: RT @daveweigel: OK, who in January said “Russ Feingold will lose and Michael Bennet will win”?
Twitter: RT @keder: LOL! ‘Yesterday was election day, or as Democrats now call it, the death panel.’ #tcot
Twitter: RT @nick_ayers: Of the ten 2012 swing states holding govs races this year, RGA spent 49.5 million on behalf of our govs candidates — and won 9/10 #RGA
Twitter: Heh. RT @ExJon: Breaking: AZ Gov. Jan Brewer has sent the National Guard to the western border to protect state from fleeing Californians.
Twitter: In 2012, the GOP will finish what it started last night, and take back the Senate. And Obama will be re-elected. #boldpredictions
Twitter: Haven’t been able to do the math yet. Later this AM, hopefully. RT @dmataconis: @brendanloy Hey where does the LRT election contest stand ?