Twitter: #PANIC!! RT @dmataconis: …
Twitter: #PANIC!! RT @dmataconis: Michelle Bachmann Considering Run For GOP Leadership Spot
Twitter: #PANIC!! RT @dmataconis: Michelle Bachmann Considering Run For GOP Leadership Spot
Twitter: RT @EdMorrissey: The GOP is only on double secret probation #tcot They have an opportunity to earn trust – nothing more
Twitter: RT @markknoller Of the 18 candidates for whom Pres. Obama specifically did fundraisers or rallies: 6 won, 7 lost, 5 races too close to call.
Twitter: RT @rosebud7210: WA State Senate: 3 min. ago, CNN: Murray-50%; Rossi-50%; only 65% reporting; this could be a recount! | Again!
Twitter: RT @dmataconis: “Total Write-In Votes” Leading In Alaska
Twitter: RT @KDVR: Denver proposal to track space aliens loses
Twitter: RT @TheFix: 2010 election: Republicans net 60 House seats, six Senate seats and seven governorships
Twitter: RT @curtishubbard: Since 4 a.m., Bennet added 17,430 votes from Denver and Boulder counties. Buck 5,255. That’s a net gain of 12,175 for Bennet. #COvote #COsen
Twitter: RT @curtishubbard: Latest tally shows Bennet 771,939 (47.4) ahead of Buck 766,371 (47.1). #COvote #COSen
Twitter: RT @pwire: Murkowski looks likely to be second successful write-in candidate for U.S. Senate in history…