Twitter: RT @Pres_Bartlet: Harry …
Twitter: RT @Pres_Bartlet: Harry Reid is still a Senator, but he should really consider stepping down as Majority Leader.
Twitter: RT @Pres_Bartlet: Harry Reid is still a Senator, but he should really consider stepping down as Majority Leader.
Twitter: RT @zbloxham: To some of my GOP’ers. I though we were better than the “Harry Reid stole the election” mumbojumbo. #cmonson
Twitter: RT @daveweigel: Prop 19 loses in California, so Democrats can’t even recover from these losses properly.
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Voters in California reject Prop. 19, a measure to legalize marijuana for recreational use, CNN projects.
Twitter: RT @fivethirtyeight: G.O.P. Should Net 62-72 House Seats Few competitive races remain to be called. #nytelect
Twitter: RT @daveweigel: Am I at the only sad GOP party tonight? #NVSen | It’s like when @midmajority got stuck in Houston while Butler won in SLC.
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — GOP will pick up at least 60 House seats — the largest swing since 1948, CNN projects.
Twitter: RT @daveweigel: First time since 1996 I think. RT @ali: There are now two African-American Republican members of congress. Historic.
Twitter: #UNPANIC!!!!! RT @curtishubbard: The Buck ‘surge’ was a results typo. Race is still 48-47 for Bennet #COVote #COSen
Twitter: WHOA NELLY RT @jamieshuffle CO SEN’s Buck just took the lead over Bennet with 72% reporting – 49-46%