FriendFeed: Due to technical issues and scheduling problems, I will probably need to scale back my election-night results & contest liveblogging plans somewhat. I’ll still be madly tweeting, no doubt, and I’ll put some sort of window on the blog for the live-tweeting and hopefully some sort of reader feedback, but it may not be a full-fledged “liveblog.” FYI.
Twitter: RT @fivethirtyeight: We have GOP chances of winning the Senate down to just 7%. Just as their WA polling was improving, WV seems to be slipping away.
Twitter: RT @badbanana: Last night of political ads. A sad time for those of us who enjoy black and white photos combined with ominous piano music.
Twitter: RT @SwingState: a huge list of key races to watch, conveniently sorted by closing time
Twitter: RT @dp_thespot: [CO-SEN] is the closest Senate race in the country. So, yes, a recount is a real possibility: #PANIC
Twitter: Does anyone know of an embeddable Twitter widget allowing ppl to 1) reply to my tweets if they’re logged in, and 2) log in if they’re not?
Twitter: RT @brando_minich: @brendanloy Also: Bush’s team just lost to a team with a fan base of hippies. #HaHa
Twitter: Dems to lose Senate after whole Bay Area gets drunk/high celebrating Giants, too hungover/stoned to vote for Boxer. #PANIC! @fivethirtyeight
Twitter: New California GOTV challenge: Wake up drunk/hungover Giants fans, drag them to polls. Does this help Boxer/Brown or Fiorina/Whitman? #PANIC
Twitter: Good point. #potheadPANIC #ForgotToVoteMaaaan RT @brando_minich: Getting San Francisco totally drunk & hungover may not help Prop 19’s cause