Twitter: You can tell …
Twitter: You can tell who wears the #PANIC in our marriage. RT @MileHighBecky: Jobs numbers will start ticking up after Xmas.
Twitter: You can tell who wears the #PANIC in our marriage. RT @MileHighBecky: Jobs numbers will start ticking up after Xmas.
Twitter: Irony: if Senate is 50-50, Delaware, by rejecting Castle for O’Donnell (and thus Coons), will end up with, effectively, 3 senators. #biden
Twitter: My prediction is for a 51-49 Dem Senate, but my inner impish nonpartisan political junkie is rooting for 50-50. Welcome back, Senator Biden!
Twitter: Wanted: video clip of “Anchorman” Will Ferrell, made up to look like @WolfBlitzerCNN, saying: “Best Political Team On Television, Assemble!”
Twitter: Right now, CNN projects that in 24 hours, the polls will be closed — WILL BE CLOSED — in some places. Right now.
Twitter: Seconded. RT @MileHighBecky: OMG! OMG! The election is tomorrow!!! Yay!!! #nerdgasm
Twitter: RT @dmataconis: @brendanloy I might peak in on MSNBC to see if Matthews, Olbermann, and Schultz have massive on-set strokes
Twitter: Can’t wait to watch election coverage by @WolfBlitzerCNN & “best political team on TV” tomorrow. And make fun of it. And love it. #rightnow
Twitter: The Pac-10: it’s a WAR! #w00t RT @slmandel: Stanford-Arizona has been moved to ABC primetime (8 pm ET) on Saturday.
Twitter: The Colorado Democratic Party just called to ask if I’ve voted, if I plan to vote, and if I know where to vote. No, Yes and Yes. #VoteOrDie