Twitter: RT @PlayoffPAC: Bob …
Twitter: RT @PlayoffPAC: Bob Schieffer b-slapped the BCS on #FaceTheNation yesterday. Unexpected and entertaining.
Twitter: RT @PlayoffPAC: Bob Schieffer b-slapped the BCS on #FaceTheNation yesterday. Unexpected and entertaining.
Twitter: This is my 19,893rd tweet. If I don’t hit 20,000 today, I certainly will tomorrow, Election Day. Surely this calls for some sort of #PANIC.
Twitter: #byebyeTCU #BoiseStatePANIC! RT @SBJSBD: Big East presidents, ADs holding ‘pivotal meeting’ this wk to discuss expansion.
Twitter: .@KevinCurranX #PANIC!!! is the SEC of @brendanloy Memes. Neither #FireMikeBrey nor #theSECitsaWAR would go .500 against #PANIC’s schedule.
Twitter: RT @KevinCurranX: @brendanloy 4 of the 5 computers still like FireMikeBrey, but voters who have actually watched the memes agree that SECitsaWAR is better.
Twitter: RT @thinkprogress: Tancredo Still Believes In Bombing Mecca And Medina
Twitter: .@KevinCurranX I think #SECitsaWAR has surpassed #FireMikeBrey, although basketball season could change that. Also: #CHAOS, blaming Obama.
Twitter: RT @KevinCurranX: @brendanloy Meme Power Rankings: 1. PANIC!!! 2. FIRE MIKE BREY. 3. THE SEC – IT’S A WAR!!! 4. THE DREAM IS COLLAPSING!! 5. FEAR! FIRE! FOES!
Twitter: RT @postpolitics: Blanche Lincoln says she’ll win if turnout is high | Blanche Lincoln is high. #nochance
Twitter: One thing I forgot to mention re: my House contest. In calculating GOP House gain #, does NOT factor in any post-election party switches.