Twitter: RT @politicalmath: @brendanloy …
Twitter: RT @politicalmath: @brendanloy I was disappointed I couldn’t add “BWAHAHAHA!” to some of my predictions
Twitter: RT @politicalmath: @brendanloy I was disappointed I couldn’t add “BWAHAHAHA!” to some of my predictions
Twitter: In my picks, I’ve got GOP winning CO, WV & WA, but Ds holding Senate 51-49 thanks to NV & IL. #FRAUD! #ACORN! #iseedeadpeoplevoting! #PANIC!
Twitter: Remember, kids: TODAY @ 6PM MDT is the deadline to enter my Election Prediction Contest! It’s free! It’s nerdy! Do it!
Twitter: RT @ppppolls: We find Dino Rossi ahead 50-48 in the Washington Senate race:
Twitter: RT @ppppolls: California has tightened in the final week- Boxer up 4, down from 9, and Brown up 5, down from 11:
Twitter: Dems not polling well there, either. RT @Voyager2: Sister ship Voyager1 is 16 hrs 02 mins 48 secs of light-travel time from Earth
Twitter: Heh. RT @daveweigel: Evan Bayh on Morning Joe. He has such wise ideas: If only he’d been a senator, he could have acted on them. Wait, what?
Twitter: RT @DuckFootball: New blog post: Ducks byte their way to No. 1 in BCS rankings
Twitter: My #DU basketball blog, the Pioneer Post, originally scheduled to launch today, has been delayed. New launch target date: November 8.
Twitter: Cloudy with a chance of #PANIC! RT @nytimes: Alaska Voting Forecast: Chance of Count Chaos