Twitter: RT @BCSGuru: Unlike …
Twitter: RT @BCSGuru: Unlike MSU, at least Mizzou put up a fight. Valiant but not enough. … Then there are five. | Three of them non-AQs. #CHAOS
Twitter: RT @BCSGuru: Unlike MSU, at least Mizzou put up a fight. Valiant but not enough. … Then there are five. | Three of them non-AQs. #CHAOS
Twitter: RT @DufresneLATimes: Arizona just beat UCLA….but watch two-loss Iowa jump back over one-loss Zona in the polls. guess who beat Iowa?
Twitter: RT @BryanDFischer: At what point will we all agree that the SEC defenses are not SEC defenses this year?
Twitter: RT @washingtonpost: A state-by-state glance at Tuesday’s election #electionwatch
Twitter: #PANIC! RT @politicalmath: Krugman said: “historians will look back at 2010 as a catastrophe that condemned the nation to political chaos”
Twitter: Last night, I dreamed that I was in an argument with somebody about Boise State’s championship-worthiness. My dream-self made a good case!
Twitter: SEC defenses! #itsaWAR! RT @ralphDrussoAP: Ole Miss-Auburn have combined for touch over 400 yards 53 seconds into the second quarter.
Twitter: RT @brianstelter: RT @nytjim: ‘Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear’ – Photo gallery
Twitter: RT @PeteThamelNYT: Well, it was fun to ponder….RT @DuckSportsNow: @garyparrishcbs It’s not true. Oregon band isn’t even making the trip.
Twitter: RT @ndlaw04: This has to be the low point of #ndfb in my life. Not sure how ND gets back from here and Kelly is not the guy to lead them there.