Twitter: “What happens if …
Twitter: “What happens if Democrats hold the House? I think the wave of paranoia and rage…on the right would really explode.”
Twitter: “What happens if Democrats hold the House? I think the wave of paranoia and rage…on the right would really explode.”
Twitter: The Budget-Cutting Cycle: Delusion, Failure, Recrimination
Twitter: RT @Tommytrojan11: I want to punch Barbra Boxer in the face. I believe they call that “A LaMichael James”
Twitter: RT @uscpsycho: In 48 hours #USC fans will be celebrating a successful #RedOut of the @lacoliseum & a HUGE Trojan victory over the Ducks! PUMPED! Fight On!
Twitter: RT @AtlanticWatch: Another #tropical storm, #Shary, forms, tropical storm watch issued for Bermuda as it moves NW at 23 mph w/ 40mph winds.
Twitter: RT @amandarykoff: Justin Bieber World Series promo. UNSEE! UNSEE! UNSEE!
Twitter: RT @pourmecoffee: Bracing now for Harry Reid sex stories, though they probably end up with frustrating lack of cloture.
Twitter: GOP House net gain predictions in LRT Election Prediction Contest presently range from 24 to 74. Enter:
Twitter: RT @fivethirtyeight: [new article] Senate Update: Washington is the New Florida
Twitter: RT @OMGFactsSports: The only 2 days each year in which there are no pro sports (NFL,MLB,NBA,NHL) games are the day before and after the MLB All-Star Game.