Twitter: RT @slmandel: Awful. …
Twitter: RT @slmandel: Awful. RT @ChiTribHamilton: Updated story on the #NotreDame student who died in video tower fall today:
Twitter: RT @slmandel: Awful. RT @ChiTribHamilton: Updated story on the #NotreDame student who died in video tower fall today:
Twitter: RT @ChiTribHamilton: #NotreDame president Rev. John Jenkins: “We are deeply saddened by this tragic loss.”
Twitter: RT @ChiTribHamilton: 21 year old #NotreDame student dies when video scissor lift topples at ND football practice.
Twitter: Regarding the prospect of a Senator Angle, this is one of those moments where I almost sorta want to channel Rev. Wright. #GodDaaamnAmerica?
Twitter: According to @fivethirtyeight, Turd Sandwich (R) is now a 76% favorite to beat Giant Douche (D) in Nevada.
Twitter: RT @GOPLeader: Boehner: ‘This is not a time for compromise’ (via @thehill)
Twitter: RT @MileHighBecky: My 2yo: Mommy, is Michael Bennet my friend? #goodquestion
Twitter: RT @andylevy: DEVELOPING… RT @michellemalkin: BREAKINGNEWS! RT @benpolitico: RT @owillis: President Obama told me he considers himself a progressive
Twitter: RT @ChiTribHamilton: Reason for #NotreDame canceling interviews: Video tower blew over & down onto street, with a video-taker in it. More details to come.
Twitter: RT @JoeGandelman: @dmataconis O’Donnell is not only not ready for Prime Time, she’s not ready for test pattern hours.