Twitter: RT @AP: Republicans …
Twitter: RT @AP: Republicans poised to win state legislatures, critical power over congressional redistricting: -AS
Twitter: RT @AP: Republicans poised to win state legislatures, critical power over congressional redistricting: -AS
Twitter: This fact really pisses me off. #RAGE RT @MileHighBecky: In case you were wondering, we still haven’t found bin Laden. It’s been 9 years.
Twitter: InTrade puts the odds of Hillary Clinton being the 2012 Democratic presidential nominee at 8-9%. That’s *ridiculous*. #EfficientMarketFAIL
Twitter: RT @AccuScore: If Boise State played a neutral-field schedule against Auburn, Oregon, TCU, MSU, Mizzou, Bama, and Utah it would win 52.8% of the time.
Twitter: RT @SpaceflightNow: NASA today cleared Discovery for an election-eve launch next Monday that begins this orbiter’s final flight.
Twitter: RT @The_Sun_Belt: #SunBelt Conference Announces Strategic Plan for Men’s #Basketball
Twitter: It looks like my #DU Pioneers hoops blog launch may be delayed a bit, from 11/1 to perhaps 11/4 or 11/8. Still need name suggestions, BTW.
Twitter: RT @politicalmath: .@brendanloy Important point: The U6/U3 unemployment diff has increased about 3% from historical norms.
Twitter: The lower U3 unemployment rate — see: — is ALWAYS the “official” rate. U6 is always higher. It’s not some Obama plot.
Twitter: Some of my conservative tweeps have just discovered the U6 unemployment rate, and are shocked, SHOCKED! They need to listen to @planetmoney.