Twitter: RT @DanBeebe: The …
Twitter: RT @DanBeebe: The Big XII is proud to announce that I’m going to try putting my fork in a power outlet, because what could go wrong?
Twitter: RT @DanBeebe: The Big XII is proud to announce that I’m going to try putting my fork in a power outlet, because what could go wrong?
Twitter: The @midmajority basketball epic, “One Beautiful Season,” is here: YAY!!! #1BS #midswin. No DU BALLZ yet, though.
Twitter: RT @SPORTSbyBROOKS: Sick video: KY high schools have Cal-Stanford finish … +2.
Twitter: Fun fact: During his speech last night, Bill Clinton said the word “shrinkage.” I don’t remember the context. It doesn’t matter.
Twitter: YAY!! #theUSSenateitsaWAR! RT @fivethirtyeight: I think literally every Senate poll today showed a closer race than 2 weeks ago. #funfunfun
Twitter: Turd Sandwich > Giant Douche? #demPANIC RT @AoSHQ: Hmmm: Early Voting In Key NV Counties Skewing Disproportionately Red
Twitter: Tomorrow, 11am MDT: Apple event. Thursday, 12:30pm MDT: Pac-12 event. Productivity: decreased.
Twitter: Wacky Pac-12 thought: guarantee 1 CA crossover game, permit schools to schedule the other as a non-conf game that doesn’t count in standings
FriendFeed: Jon Wilner still expects Stanford & Cal in Pac-12 North, says it’s a “toss up” whether California crossover games will be guaranteed. Notes division alignment takes only 7 votes, while revenue sharing requires 9. [UPDATE: Wrong! Both require 9.] Says Pac-8 schools are all making sacrifices, while Arizona/Mountain schools get everything they want.
Twitter: RT @OMGFactsSex: A study of US college students found that over a two-year period, both men and women had twice as many one night stands as first dates.