Twitter: RT @FauxBillClinton: Hey, …
Twitter: RT @FauxBillClinton: Hey, don’t hide the interns!! I’ll have 5 please. @brendanloy “President Bill Clinton is in the building.” #HideTheInterns
Twitter: RT @FauxBillClinton: Hey, don’t hide the interns!! I’ll have 5 please. @brendanloy “President Bill Clinton is in the building.” #HideTheInterns
Twitter: Udall. (Fun fact: iPhone auto-correct thinks Udall = Idaho.) … Re: Bennet, “He’s the outsider in this race.” LOL
Twitter: Governor Ritter up. Bubba next, I think. Battery at 29%. #PANIC
Twitter: Battery is getting low, so snarky tweets here from the Bennet & Bubba rally will be limited somewhat by that. #IBlameGOPsabotage
Twitter: “WE WANT BILL!!” chants the crowd, almost sounding like they mean it.
Twitter: John Mellencamp’s “Small Town” now playing. #TheManFromHope
Twitter: Waiting for Bubba & Bennet. There are literally hundreds of marginally enthusiastic Democrats here!!! #GOPPANIC!
Twitter: Waiting for Bubba & Bennet. There are literally hundreds of marginally enthusiastic Democrats here!!! #GOPPANIC!
Twitter: AND OFTEN!
Twitter: #BadDemocrat #NoCookieForMe