Twitter: RT @DanWetzel: After …
Twitter: RT @DanWetzel: After 3 straight losses, Harris Poll still has Florida ranked 29th w 47 votes. UF zero votes in AP/coaches
Twitter: RT @DanWetzel: After 3 straight losses, Harris Poll still has Florida ranked 29th w 47 votes. UF zero votes in AP/coaches
Twitter: RT @OffThePond: It is positively surreal listening to SC’s flagship LA station and hear them talk about the hype of No. 1 coming to town.
Twitter: RT @breakingweather: Deadly Typhoon Megi Creates Disaster in Philippines (equivalent to borderline Cat 5 at landfall)
Twitter: RT @midmajority: TWO WEEKS until #S7. Can’t wait for you to see the new site. Sun 10/31 9-12pm ET: Twitter countdown party. Mark and circle!
Twitter: RT @slmandel: The GMAC Bowl is now the Bowl. … But remember, bowls are all about the “experience.”
Twitter: RT @dmataconis: I Fear the Government (When the Other Party Runs Things)
Twitter: RT @WFv2: Old Twitter will soon be gone. Please RT if you prefer #oldtwitter to #newtwitter and think it should be available as an option.
Twitter: RT @denverpost: Ken Buck’s remarks on homosexuality, which he compared to alcoholism, loom after “Meet the Press:”
Twitter: Though if a 1-loss SEC team leapfrogs Boise in BCS, I might dress up as a potato, go down to 16th St. and shout “IT’S A WAR!!!!” @dmataconis
Twitter: Hey! I only shout incomprehensible things about politics on Twitter! RT @dmataconis: @brendanloy So you’re live-tweeting your own protest ?