Twitter: Washington > OreSt …
Twitter: Washington > OreSt > Arizona > Iowa > IowaSt > TexTech > Baylor > Colorado > Hawaii > Nevada > Cal > UCLA > Texas > Nebraska > Washington
Twitter: Washington > OreSt > Arizona > Iowa > IowaSt > TexTech > Baylor > Colorado > Hawaii > Nevada > Cal > UCLA > Texas > Nebraska > Washington
Twitter: RT @streamlinedman USC > Cal > UCLA > Texas > Nebraska > UW > USC. Makes perfect sense. | LOL! #TransitivePropertyOfCFBfail (via @krizoitz)
Twitter: That would suck because winner’s victory would be hollow; the haters would never accept the championship as legitimate. Must beat BCS team.
Twitter: You know what would suck? If Boise & TCU/Utah go unbeaten, and EVERYONE ELSE has 2+ losses, so they HAVE to play each other for the title.
Twitter: RT @BCSisBS: I expect to see Ohio State ranked above Wisconsin and all the Badgers fans be pissed off, and rightfully so, just like SCar fans last week
Twitter: Also, Nevada likely to be ranked again by Nov. 26 if 11-1. But trading a possible Top 10 opponent for two #20-25s is a bad trade for Boise.
Twitter: Big question for Boise: How many votes does Hawaii get in new poll? If a decent number, they could be ranked in 3 weeks when they visit BSU.
Twitter: RT @BCSisBS: k Hawaii won but everybody tweet like Nevada won so all the voters who didn’t stay up will get confused
Twitter: RT @pigskinpundit: The gains that the non-AQ trio of TCU, Utah and Boise got from tOSU and NU losing today are balanced by the losses by Ore. St, AFA and UNR
Twitter: RT @pigskinpundit: Does anyone else think this year is starting to shake out sort of like 2007 did?