Twitter: With OreSt’s loss, …
Twitter: With OreSt’s loss, there are 3 spots at bottom of Top 25 to fill. Nevada loss would make it 4. #texas #miami #vt? #usc? #missst? #hawaii?
Twitter: With OreSt’s loss, there are 3 spots at bottom of Top 25 to fill. Nevada loss would make it 4. #texas #miami #vt? #usc? #missst? #hawaii?
Twitter: Touchdown Nevada! 6-point game. #KnowHopeBoise
Twitter: If Nevada loses, Boise is seeing its past AND future quality wins trashed tonight. After a great afternoon/evening, a very bad night. #PANIC
Twitter: RT @DanGreenspan: Hawaii settles for short field goal, pushes its lead to 20-7 in the fourth quarter.
Twitter: RT @OffThePond: Surprised how many people like the two-point decision. Wasn’t a fan. But if you are going to go, shouldn’t it be Quizz, not Katz?
Twitter: Huh? Why would Utah care? They didn’t play UW, BYU did. … Or are you thinking maybe unbeaten Utah can leapfrog Boise?
Twitter: RT @racheldulitz: and let’s take just one moment to actually feel bad for Oregon St. before listing all the dire consequences for every other team in America.
Twitter: RT @PeteThamelNYT: That dropped pass that drops Oregon State in overtime really hurts Boise. Boy, is this system weird.
Twitter: RT @Mengus22: The BCS sucks because Halahuni just dropped an OSU win AND some of Boise State’s shot at a national title. #beingWetzeledalready
Twitter: RT @BCSisBS: It’s nice when WAC teams get ranked and travel to Hawaii, then there’s still games that matter at 1 AM