Twitter: That assumes Oklahoma …
Twitter: That assumes Oklahoma State loses at some point, and Michigan State either loses or doesn’t jump Boise in the BCS standings.
Twitter: That assumes Oklahoma State loses at some point, and Michigan State either loses or doesn’t jump Boise in the BCS standings.
Twitter: Boise State is potentially an Oklahoma loss and an SEC title game upset by the East champ away from a rematch with Oregon for the BCS title.
Twitter: RT @DanWetzel: Good points by others that SDSU is two reffing decisions from 6-0. Aztecs on the rise. In 2008, Hoke got Ball State to 12-0
Twitter: RT @FreeRangeKids: iPhone now the “toy of choice” for toddlers, says NY Times.
Twitter: I’ve expected all along that Boise would beat VT & OreSt but lose to Nevada, which would come in with 1 loss. Hawaii most plausible source.
Twitter: In LRT CFB pick ’em, I picked both Texas and Wisconsin, yet I’m 14-10 on the day. I picked Hawaii over Nevada, though.
Twitter: RT @reignoftroy: What a beautiful day to be a Trojan. They all are but today especially. Coliseum was loud and a vintage win that may be a turning point
Twitter: RT @PeteThamelNYT: Quite a day thanks to Mississippi State, Kentucky, East Carolina, (almost) Army, SDSU, Whisky and plucky upstart Texas. Congrats to all.
Twitter: Broncos could dearly use a late-November showdown at an undefeated, probably-Top-10-by-then opponent. Hawaii not helping. #GoNevada
Twitter: Hawaii 14, Nevada 0. #boisePANIC