Twitter: RT @slmandel: So …
Twitter: RT @slmandel: So it took 7 weeks, but, Upset Saturday!
Twitter: RT @slmandel: So it took 7 weeks, but, Upset Saturday!
Twitter: YES YES YES!!! #chaos RT @jppalm: Kentucky scores to take the lead [over South Carolina] 1:15 left.
Twitter: RT @SPORTSbyBROOKS: McNeese State live radio play-by-play feed:
Twitter: RT @CecilHurt: If Wisconsin score holds, it’s the same voting situation as in SEC last week. Can’t vote OSU over Wisc. and can’t vote Wisc. over Mich. St.
Twitter: #CHAOS!! RT @BarrettSallee: All of the sudden, South Carolina is in some trouble in Lexington.
Twitter: RT @BCSisBS: Breaking news: Florida has no offense
Twitter: And Cliff Lee starts Game 3, can get home-field advantage back. RT @espn: Rangers rebound to rout Yankees, even series –
Twitter: RT @espn4d: Ohio State on board w field goal after some sketchy play-calling inside the 5. Now 21-3.
Twitter: .@LonelyTailgater @BCSisBS Agreed. A blowout of Iowa State is going to be worth a lot more to OU than it was to Utah. #doublestandard
Twitter: RT @JoeSportswriter: @brendanloy I want to move Auburn down after that awful performance.