Twitter: Video evidence: …
Twitter: Video evidence: Also Lou-WVU (3OT), 6-0 UCLA-WSU (OT). RT @jdubs88: 10/15/05 may have been greatest day in CFB history.
Twitter: Video evidence: Also Lou-WVU (3OT), 6-0 UCLA-WSU (OT). RT @jdubs88: 10/15/05 may have been greatest day in CFB history.
Twitter: RT @CalebHowe: Dems really have their finger on the pulse of America. If there’s one thing people worry about ALL THE TIME, it’s the Chamber of Commerce.
Twitter: RT @jdickerson: After watching the Nevada Senate debate I really wish that what happens in Vegas could stay in Vegas #nevsen
Twitter: RT @DavidChalian: Four mentions of “China” in latest @DSCC ad against Toomey ends with a broken fortune cookie.
Twitter: RT @KilroyFSU: 10/15/05 was hands down, THE. BEST. SPORTS. DAY. EVER. RT @brendanloy: 10/15/05 was OK too. RT @jdubs88: 10/15/88:memorable dates in sports.
Twitter: RT @garykarr: Today is 5-year anniversary of ‘SC-ND classic. May be Bush Push to the Irish; I’ll think of as 4th-and-9. #USC (H/T: @brendanloy)
Twitter: Just got an email from Organizing for America saying “We have 21 days until Election Day.” Um, fuzzy math? … Time for a 57-state strategy!
Twitter: 10/15/05 was OK too. RT @jdubs88: 10/15/88 was ND 31, Miami 30 & Kirk Gibson’s home run. One of the more memorable dates in sports history.
Twitter: RT @jaketapper: Ya ready for me, @HickforCO, @DanMaes, @TTancredo, @BuckforColorado, + @BennetforCO ?? THERE WILL BE MATH ON THIS TEST!
Twitter: RT @jdubs88: Fall break begins today at ND. With least compelling visiting team in some time, it’ll be interesting to see what stdnt sexn is like tomoro.