Twitter: RT @mzemek: I’d …
Twitter: RT @mzemek: I’d have given two monthly paychecks and lived for 8 weeks on the streets if it meant that Fed and Nadal coulda contested that final in NYC.
Twitter: RT @mzemek: I’d have given two monthly paychecks and lived for 8 weeks on the streets if it meant that Fed and Nadal coulda contested that final in NYC.
Twitter: RT @BUnored5: I’ve waited for today since the second we lost to Duke. Less goo!!!
Twitter: RT @CBSNews: Balloon Boy Story Took Off (Minus Boy) 1 Yr. Ago
Twitter: If I lived in Nevada, I think my choice for US Senate would be down to None Of These and writing in Nevada QB Colin Kaepernick.
Twitter: Inspired by @dmataconis’s tweet, I think I’ll start referring to Reid as Giant Douche and Angle as Turd Sandwich. #southparkrocks
Twitter: Indeed. LOL. #nvsen RT @dmataconis: @brendanloy How prescient was that South Park episode #GiantDouche #TurdSandwich
Twitter: I thought dead people voting was a Democrat thing. RT @PoliticsDaily Ted Stevens Endorses Lisa Murkowski From the Grave
Twitter: As I said: Douchebag (D) vs. Wingnut (R). RT @nprnews: Harry Reid’s ‘Elite’; Sharron Angle’s ‘Extreme’: NV Debate
Twitter: RT @daveweigel: RT @jimgeraghty: Democrats say they see a surge in the latest poll numbers. I think if you unfocus your eyes, you can see a 3D sailboat.
Twitter: RT @daveweigel: #demcomeback RT @jimgeraghty: Whoa: In Ohio’s Senate race, the latest poll gives GOP’s Rob Portman a… 22 point lead.