Twitter: RT @slmandel: Alabama, …
Twitter: RT @slmandel: Alabama, Michigan seal the deal for 2012 season-opener at Cowboys Stadium. … We need more of these!
Twitter: RT @slmandel: Alabama, Michigan seal the deal for 2012 season-opener at Cowboys Stadium. … We need more of these!
Twitter: RT @slmandel: Pac-10 officiating, you blow my mind. Replay official at Arizona-Oregon St game was an Arizona grad and donor
Twitter: RT @dailytrojan: Update: President Obama will be on campus next week for a rally in support of the Barbara Boxer campaign:
Twitter: RT @KilroyFSU: Yes. Race is an old people’s battle. MT @MelissaTweets: This is positive comment on race by Obama: The next gen is doing much better. True.
Twitter: RT @BennetForCO: Join President Bill Clinton and Michael Bennet for an Early Vote Rally on October 18:
Twitter: Michelle Obama was in Denver today. I wonder if Barack will stop by, and stump for @BennetForCO, en route to/from California Oct. 22?
Twitter: RT @KilroyFSU: I’ve never understood why teams have mascots that have nothing to do with, well, the school mascot! A Rebel Bear = Stupid. #OleMiss
Twitter: RT @dailytrojan: Confirmed from earlier this week, President Barack Obama will come to USC on Oct. 22. Stay tuned for more details as they become available.
Twitter: Also: “September home foreclosures top 100,000 for first time” – #PANIC
Twitter: Nothing like a mid-October headline “Dollar tanks, stocks drop as Bernanke speech looms” to spur some #demPANIC!!