Twitter: RT @SportsCenter: The …
Twitter: RT @SportsCenter: The 2011 Maui Invitational will feature Duke, Kansas, UCLA, Michigan, Georgetown, Tennessee, & Memphis
Twitter: RT @SportsCenter: The 2011 Maui Invitational will feature Duke, Kansas, UCLA, Michigan, Georgetown, Tennessee, & Memphis
Twitter: LAME! Shoulda been Admiral Ackbar. #theSECitsaTRAP!!! RT @clarionledger: It’s official: Ole Miss chooses bear as mascot
Twitter: RT @rstevens: If Hitler invented Lunchables they would be called Das Ubermunch.
Twitter: RT @MattZemek_CFN: If you talk too much about Boise St & the BCS now, those topics will lose their freshness and fun @ Thanksgiving. #PromoteHappyConversations
Twitter: RT @MattZemek_CFN: Save the Boise/BCS discussions for Thanksgiving weekend, so that you can talk about something other than family divisions and squabbles.
Twitter: RT @MattZemek_CFN: Most salient of all: 4) We have over 1.5 months of football left in what has been a very fragile, 2007-ish season, as @MatthewHLeach notes.
Twitter: Thanks to @fivethirtyeight, my Lieberman true/false is my most RT’d tweet since I called Harry Reid a giant douchebag –
Twitter: RT @MattZemek_CFN: More obvious conclusions: 3) The BCS has destroyed the tradition of college football while STILL depriving the sport clear-cut champions.
Twitter: RT @benpolitico: Romney outraises his rivals, combined
Twitter: I think I need to go take a shower after favorably RT-ing something from @UCLAAthletics. But John Wooden transcends the rivalry. #FightOn