Twitter: I concur. @KilroyFSU: …
Twitter: I concur. @KilroyFSU: I’m thinking the best-case scenario for Rs is to win 49 seats in Senate & barely lose House. …better for Rs in 2012.
Twitter: I concur. @KilroyFSU: I’m thinking the best-case scenario for Rs is to win 49 seats in Senate & barely lose House. …better for Rs in 2012.
Twitter: With CA and WA trending Dem, GOP’s clearest path to 51 seats might be to hit 50-50 and then woo Lieberman. #joementum cc: @fivethirtyeight
Twitter: #unPANIC? RT @fivethirtyeight: Democratic Polling Improves in Key Senate Races, Lengthening G.O.P. Takeover Odds
Twitter: RT @capitolwatch: Ouch! Times cites Blumenthal’s experience, but calls him “charm-free” #ctsen
Twitter: I am shocked, SHOCKED. RT @TheFix: NY Times endorses Dick Blumenthal in CT-SEN race.
Twitter: New @fivethirtyeight Senate projection: 52.0 Dems, 47.9 GOPs, and 0.1 Charlie Crists. But Crist’s 0.1 vote could be decisive on many issues!
Twitter: Also: Blanche Lincoln’s odds in AR have increased again! From 0.2% to 0.3%! Can you say “Comeback Kid II: Electric Boogaloo”? #GOPPANIC #lol
Twitter: Latest @fivethirtyeight map shows Wisconsin more solidly GOP (94%) than AK (74%), KY (86%), NH (89%), PA (92%). Wow. Farewell, Feingold.
Twitter: RT @fivethirtyeight: GOP senate takeover odds are down to 18% this week; they had been 24% last week.
Twitter: Oh, swell. #DrudgeBait RT @rsmccain In debate tonight #MA03 Dem Jim McGovern said, “I think the Constitution is wrong.” There will be video.