Twitter: RT @Tedinatl: Is …
Twitter: RT @Tedinatl: Is it true that Dick Blumenthal once spent 69 days trapped in a Chilean mine? #ctsen #tcot
Twitter: RT @Tedinatl: Is it true that Dick Blumenthal once spent 69 days trapped in a Chilean mine? #ctsen #tcot
Twitter: RT @mike_gus24: @brendanloy GOPers convinced that conservative women r victims of MSM persecution. As such, over-exuberance about mediocrities O’D, Palin.
Twitter: Per @fivethirtyeight, Washington state, whose U.S. Senate race may determine the majority, is unusually hard to poll:
Twitter: RT @fivethirtyeight: Here are the CNN polls: #WASEN: Murray (D) +8; #WVSEN: Exact tie; #WISEN: Johnson (R) +8; #DESEN: Coons (D) +infinity.
Twitter: RT @MileHighBecky: “@NPRHealth: Fewer Kids Vaccinated As Parents Worry About Side Effects” Can you say morons? | Morons.
Twitter: If Arkansas beats Auburn on Sat: Arkansas > Auburn > S. Carolina > Alabama > Arkansas. All 1 loss. #CFBtransitivepropertyFAIL #theSECitsaWAR
Twitter: Why are conservatives donating so much money to Bachmann (no chance of losing) and O’Donnell (no chance of winning)? Misallocated resources.
Twitter: RT @mike_gus24: Hang on @marcambinder @brendanloy The party borrowing trillions from china for phony stimulus – benefits from ads about China? Huh?
Twitter: .@marcambinder Why does #chinaPANIC help Dems? I don’t get it. Also, we need a -like image of Hu Jintao rearing his head.
Twitter: RT @marcambinder: If Dems do better than expected this cycle, they can thank the looming specter of China, ads about which are driving up Dem numbers