FriendFeed: Former agent Josh Luchs blows the lid off the myth of amateur college football, once and for all, in scorched-earth confession implicating numerous ex-UCLA players, at least four ex-USC players, as well as various big names including Ryan Leaf, Santonio Holmes, and… Mel Kiper!
Twitter: RT @wxchannel: Watch #Hurricane #Paula intensify in this visible satellite loop from UW-CIMSS:
Twitter: When all else fails, foment #PANIC! RT @Drudge_Report: SCARE TACTIC: Biden says GOP might challenge Social Security:
Twitter: RT @wxchannel: At 2pm yesterday…we were monitoring a “low” near Honduras. 24-hours later, a Category 2 #Hurricane #Paula! Maps:
Twitter: RT @DavidCornDC: In new interview, Palin stands by her false “death panels” charge & questions if she’s sufficiently “electable.”
Twitter: RT @PatrickRuffini: Undisclosed donations to 527s show it’s not about influence-peddling, right? If you don’t know who I am, how can you scratch my back?
Twitter: RT @Andy_Staples: Going head-to-head with irresponsible voters in this week’s power rankings. …
Twitter: 3 weeks from now, someone on Fox News will say this proves America is a center-right nation. #boldpredictions
Twitter: 3 weeks from today, someone on MSNBC will say something asinine about how this result proves America is still racist. #boldpredictions
Twitter: 3 weeks + 1 day from now, Obama will make obvious conciliatory comments about bipartisan cooperation, media will fawn. #boldpredictions