Twitter: 3 weeks + …
Twitter: 3 weeks + 1 day from now, if there’s a close Senate race, GOP will be screaming #FRAUD!!! while Dems cry #INTIMIDATION!!! #boldpredictions
Twitter: 3 weeks + 1 day from now, if there’s a close Senate race, GOP will be screaming #FRAUD!!! while Dems cry #INTIMIDATION!!! #boldpredictions
Twitter: 3 wks + 1 day from now, all those VOTING IRREGULARITIES!!!! will be forgotten, except in states with a really close result. #boldpredictions
Twitter: In 3 weeks, IN & KY (early poll-closing times) will be first races called. Pundits will read too much into obvious GOP wins #boldpredictions
Twitter: 3 weeks from today, @WolfBlitzerCNN will say “right now” and “CNN projects” and “best political team on television” a lot. #boldpredictions
Twitter: RT @politicalmath: .@brendanloy 3 weeks + 1 day from now, Reps will be over-reading their mandate #boldpredictions
Twitter: RT @jimmiebjr: @brendanloy Two weeks from now, we will get a massive upswing in stories about the “youth vote”. #boldpredictions
Twitter: In 3 wks, we’ll hear many overdetermined explanations of a GOP sweep that can be summed up in 3 words: The. Economy. Sucks. #boldpredictions
Twitter: 3 weeks + 1 day from now, the prevailing CW will be that OMG OBAMA IS DOOMED!!!! Just like Bill Clinton after the ’94 vote. #boldpredictions
Twitter: 3 weeks + 1 day from now, Dems will be scrambling around in a fit of #PANIC!!!, disarray & recriminations. More than usual. #boldpredictions
Twitter: Three weeks + a few hours from now, we’ll see leaked exit polls showing Dems doing better than expected. They’ll be wrong. #boldpredictions