Twitter: Amen. Especially since …
Twitter: Amen. Especially since “reaction” is usually ho-hum. RT @Voldematt: Most worthless footage in all sports: the coach’s reaction. Who cares?
Twitter: Amen. Especially since “reaction” is usually ho-hum. RT @Voldematt: Most worthless footage in all sports: the coach’s reaction. Who cares?
Twitter: USC tied with Drunken Trees, 14-14, early third quarter. #FightOn #RipThemAllDown
Twitter: RT @chrislittmann: Oregon State just scored to go up 9 with 5:46 remaining. Potentially huge for Boise. (Second missed PAT for Beavers though)
Twitter: RT @uscpsycho: Stanfurd band’s halftime “show” was so bad they’re were booed by the entire #USC section and stanfurd fans can’t even cheer. #BeatTheFarm
Twitter: RT @MikeHumesESPN: For Oct 16, @GameDayFootball will originate from (new No. 1?) Ohio State at Wisconsin (game on ESPN/ESPN 3D, 7 p)
Twitter: RT @CFTalk: Yep, implosion. RT @LostLettermen: @CFTalk What would happen if it came down to Boise/LSU for spot in NC? I think CFB collapses on itself
Twitter: RT @ralphDrussoAP: The more I watch the SEC, Pac-10, Big Ten, the more I think Boise State should play for national title.
Twitter: 31-31, late 3rd. #chaos RT @darrenrovell: If Auburn loses to Kentucky, Alabama governor Bob Riley might need to declare a state of emergency
Twitter: If Boise struggled early against putrid Wazzu, and ultimately won by “only” 20, they’d get leapfrogged by 1-3 teams in polls. Will Oregon?
Twitter: Easy to exaggerate impact of loss on Bama BCS prospects. Tide still control destiny provided P10/B10/B12 produce 0 or 1 unbeatens b/w them.