Author Archives: David K.

An open letter to Martin Scorcese, Woody Allen, et al.

Let me open by saying, what the HELL is wrong with you people?!?! How in the WORLD can you possibly be standing up in defense of Roman Polanski? I don’t care how great a director he is or how many awards he has won, the man is a monster who deserves to be put in jail for his crimes. You… Read more »

Trojan RB Johnson injured in weight room

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USC running back Stafon Johnson was injured today in a weight room accident while bench pressing when the bar slipped from his hands and landed on his throat. According to the trainer, a spotter was on hand at the time. Johnson was taken to the hospital and into emergency surgery. No word yet on the extent of the injury or… Read more »

Barack Obama, Jedi Master

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Back in January, gadget blog Gizmodo stumbled across a Japanese-made action figure of newly elected President Obama. The highly detailed figure included, among many accessories, a lightsaber, as seen in this shot: Yesterday, at a White House event supporting Chicago’s bid for the 2016 Olympics, we found out that this action figure was eerily foresighted, as Obama revealed his Jedi… Read more »

Community service == facism???

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Ladies and gentlemen I have some bad news for you. All that good stuff you have been doing? Volunteering in your community? Picking up trash, working in community gardens, putting together care packages for victims of hurricanes or members of our military? Without knowing it you have apparently been feeding the beast of facism! Well, according to Rush Limbaugh anyway…. Read more »

President pushes liberal self-accountability agenda to school children

You can read the remarks given by the President this morning to our nation’s school children here. How dare he encourage our kids to stay in school and be accountable for their own education? What kind of gall does he have to suggest that they may have to work hard in life? It’s just un-American I tell you!

Arizona “minister” prays for Obama’s death

Steven Anderson, the minister at the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ is a disgusting and despicable human being and an utter and complete failure as a Christian. Anderson recently delievered a sermon titled “Why I Hate Barack Obama”, saying he prayed for the Presidents death. I may not be an expert theologian but it doesn’t take much to… Read more »