We live in a trick-or-treating mecca. Perhaps the trick-or-treating mecca. Our Denver neighborhood, Central Park, is absolute insanity every October 31. Each year, we estimate (based on our candy count) how many trick-or-treaters we got — and from 2011 through 2016, that number was consistently between 1,000 and 1,250+ trick-or-treaters. You can see the madness for yourself in my time-lapse… Read more »
Happy New Year! (Video of the 1st and 2nd annual Bally Drops.)
Our “Elf on the Shelf,” Gatito (name explained here), re-emerged over the weekend after 11 months in a drawer at my office at the North Pole with Santa, and has begun his daily Christmas-season routine of observing the girls, flying to north each night to give a naughty-or-nice report to the Big Guy (little Orwellian surveillance tool that he is),… Read more »
On my commute home this afternoon, I’ll fulfill my annual Martin Luther King Day tradition of taking 17 minutes every third Monday in January to listen to the “I Have a Dream” speech in its entirety. Some part(s) of it never fails to give me goosebumps. Dr. King’s actual birthday was yesterday; he would have been 83 years old.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Last night, after ringing in 10:00 PM (when the ball drops in Times Square) with Becky’s and my traditional milquetoast milk toast, I rang in the actual New Year — y’know, at midnight local time — with a dozen or so Twitter friends, at my second annual livestreamed “Bally Drop.” Here’s the archived stream of the big… Read more »
Don’t bother counting the stars and stripes. Just appreciate the artistry, not to mention endurance, of the 39 1/2-weeks pregnant lady who made that cake yesterday.
UPDATE: The cake was really, really good. Like, seriously delicious.
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. I certainly did. And amid the revelry, I hope everyone stopped to remember why we celebrate this day — to honor the sacrifices of the brave men and women who have fought and died for our country and our freedom. Apropos of that, I had the following exchange with Loyette, paraphrased as… Read more »
As regular readers know, it’s my own personal annual tradition to take 17 minutes every Martin Luther King Day and listen to the “I Have a Dream” speech in its entirety. I never know which part(s) will give me goosebumps, but I always get them at some point. I haven’t listened yet this year — will probably do so via… Read more »
First of all, if you weren’t visiting the blog late last week, you may not realize that I finally published my Defining Day #2 and Defining Day #1 posts. But I did! Only a year late! Anyway, there ya go. You can even read the entire Defining Days of the Decade series in one place, if you have several hours… Read more »
With the girls asleep upstairs — Becky having gone to bed shortly after our traditional Milk Toast at 10pm local time (midnight Eastern) — I rang in the New Year by following through on my ridiculous/stupid/awesome “DU Bally Drop” idea. Here’s the video: I was also livecasting via iPhone, as you can see. Here’s that archived video, complete with Tom… Read more »