Category Archives: Holidays & Special Occasions

Happy New Year!

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And Happy New Decade! Welcome to the 2010s! Above: The ingredients of the traditional Brendan-and-Becky midnight milk toast (actually enjoyed at 10:00 PM local time this year, as the ball dropped in NYC). In the background, our Christmas tree & lights throughout our house, and CNN’s horrible New Year’s Eve coverage on our television. P.S. Just a reminder: it’s twenty-ten,… Read more »

The ghost of New Years Past

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As you’ve probably guessed by now, I am not going to finish my Defining Days of the Decade list this decade — well, unless you’re in the “decade starts in 2011” camp (which I’m not). The write-ups have taken me longer than I anticipated, and I’m certainly not going to spend my free time on my eldest daughter’s second birthday… Read more »

Worst. Decade. Ever.

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Heh. (Hat tip: InstaPundit.) By the way… here’s a good Volokh post about the whole 2010 vs. 2011 “decade” debate, essentially agreeing with me on the issue. Money quote: [T]he second decade of the twenty-first century, if you want to use the term “second decade,” might begin either in the 2010 or 2011; my sense is that actual usage is… Read more »

‘Tis the season to be jolly

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If you’re wondering why I wasn’t live-blogging or live-tweeting the BCS selections Sunday evening, the above video is your answer. While the college football gods were conspiring to give us TCU vs. Boise State in the Tostitos Die-Cinderella-Die Bowl, Becky and I were busy hosting the 15th (give or take) Annual (more or less) Loy Family Christmas Lights Extravaganza. It’s… Read more »

Obama convenes poultry death panel, spares turkey

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In addition to the funny tweets posted below, here’s another take on today’s official turkey pardoning, from Doug Mataconis: “That must be the biggest Turkey to get a Presidential Pardon since Ford pardoned Nixon.” Heh. Personally, I want to know whether that turkey was even born in this country. I bet he’s a foreigner, and thus constitutionally ineligible to be… Read more »

It’s twenty-ten, not two-thousand ten

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On Monday, NPR aired a story on the question of what’s the proper way to pronounce the year 2010. Is it “two-thousand ten,” or “twenty ten”? To me, the answer is obviously the latter. The only reason we’ve been saying “two-thousand one,” “two-thousand two,” etc., is because it feels awkward to say “twenty-oh-one,” “twenty-oh-two,” and so forth. (For some reason,… Read more »