Category Archives: Colorado

Bennet and Maes

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As I tweeted earlier, I suspect that I may be the only person who attended both the Bennet for Senate victory party and the Maes for Governor victory party in Denver tonight. There certainly can’t be much crossover between the two candidates, in terms of supporters… and reporters would have been assigned to one or the other. As for me,… Read more »

The highest paved road in North America

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Here is a collection of several video clips (taken with an iPhone 4 wedged against the windshield) of our drive Saturday up and down the white-knuckle Mount Evans Road, which climbs to 14,130 feet. The “soundtrack” is the music that we were playing on our car stereo, mostly an assortment of patriotic songs (with a dash of Billy Joel thrown… Read more »

Top of the world

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On Saturday, Becky and the girls and I had a fun day-trip adventure in the mountains, visiting St. Mary’s Glacier and Echo Lake and then heading up Mount Evans, the only “14er” that you can drive to (almost) the top of — on the highest paved road in North America. If you can’t tell from the above shot, it feels… Read more »

Pillars of shadow

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Remember those anticrepuscular cloud shadows that I posted a picture of the other day? Well, while out running this evening, I saw some more — and also the accompanying crepuscular cloud shadows on the western horizon. Behold, both sides (west and east) of the same sky-wide pillars of shadow: A few minutes later, the view on the western side became… Read more »

Chase the rainbow

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Here’s a 20-minute video, compressed to 48 seconds, of that rainbow I photographed yesterday, slowly moving to the right (as the clouds move to the left) and then eventually disappearing. In the early part of the clip, there’s also a hint of a second rainbow, off to the right of the main rainbow. Anyway…

Heaven’s light?

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A rainbow, framed by a church: It was right over the church earlier, but got more spectacular as it inched away — though not nearly as spectacular as another well-framed rainbow that long-time readers might remember.

RenFests have layers

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We went to the Colorado Renaissance Festival today. ‘Twas fun. Over on Facebook, I expressed something I’ve long thought about RenFests, updating my status to say: “Brendan thinks Renaissance Festivals, like donkeys ogres and onions, have layers. Layer #1: amusements to entertain little children and kids at heart. Layer #2: scantily clad nerds hoping to get laid. Not necessarily in… Read more »