Category Archives: My Life

Enter my 6th annual Oscar Pool!

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It’s that time of year again: the 6th annual Living Room Times Oscar Pool is underway! (It was previously known as the Oscar Pool, but the LRT “brand” is taking over all of my contests now. I’m looking at you, NIT Pool!) To enter the pool, just submit your Oscar predictions here. As always, contestants are urged to enter… Read more »

Ten years ago today…

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…Becky and I started dating. A whole decade as a couple. Kind of incredible. (Look how young we were!) And I’m still just as head-over-heels as ever, for my first girlfriend, my wife, my one & only love. I love you, Becky. 🙂 P.S. The above photo was taken on March 24, 2000 — the day before our first “monthaversary,”… Read more »

14 years ago this week…

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I should have posted this on Saturday, but didn’t think of it, alas. However, 14 years ago this week — February 13, 1996 — I had what you might call my first 15 minutes of fame (although, compared to the Katrina boomlet that would follow 9 1/2 years later, it was more like 15 seconds of moderate attention), when the… Read more »

Super Bowl XLIV Live Chat

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I’m billing this as a “live chat” rather than a “live blog,” since I don’t know how much I’ll be participating in it, what with girls being awake for much of the game. But, at the very least, my occasional tweets will appear automatically in the chat window below.

No business like snow business

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Today, we took a family day trip up into the mountains, to Breckenridge, to view the entries in the International Snow Sculpture Championships. Here’s a photo of Becky and Loyette, looking at one of the sculptures: All the sculptures started out as Borg-like cubes, such as this… …but were transformed, over the course of five days from January 26-30, into… Read more »

Official LRT Jesus Tablet Open Thread

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Tonight, President Obama’s Teleprompter will address the nation, and tell us various lies about the economy and the budget and the future of the country and whatnot. And I’ll be liveblogging that, natch. But first: the day’s really important address to the nation! I’m talking, of course, about Apple’s “our latest creation” event this morning, at which Dear Leader Jobs… Read more »

Reminder: Liveblog tomorrow!

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Make no mistake: There will be a State of the Union Live Blog & Live Chat tomorrow. Let me be clear: it won’t happen overnight. (Rather, it will start at 6:50 PM Mountain Time, or 8:50 EDT.) So bring your teleprompter and join us for some “partisan games”! Yes We Can! [UPDATE/CORRECTION: I’ll put the chat window up a bit… Read more »