Category Archives: My Life

My Defining Days of the Decade: #9

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Continuing with Brendan’s Defining Days of the Decade: #12: May 15, 2003: Becky and I Graduate From College #11: November 7, 2000: The Election of a Lifetime #10: August 14, 2003: The Great Northeast Blackout Number Nine… September 15, 2008: The Economy Implodes — And I Get A Job This item on my decade list is unique, in that I’ve… Read more »

My Defining Days of the Decade: #10

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A day late, but hopefully not a dollar short, I’m finally ready to continue with my “Brendan’s Defining Days of the Decade” series. (Link goes to a page displaying all posts in descending order from #12 to, eventually, #1.) But first, let’s review where we’ve been: #12: May 15, 2003: Becky and I Graduate From College #11: November 7, 2000:… Read more »

Defining Day #10 delayed

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Alas, dear readers, I’ve already fallen behind in writing my “Brendan’s Defining Days of the Decade” series. I know you’re shocked. 🙂 So, my write-up of entry #10 on the list will be delayed until (hopefully) sometime tomorrow. It’s possible that #9 and #8 will consequently be pushed back by a day as well. Luckily, I’ll have time to catch… Read more »

My Defining Days of the Decade: #11

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Yesterday, I kicked off my “Defining Days of the Decade” series with number 12, my college graduation day, May 15, 2003. Today, for number 11 on the list, we’re going back in time to a tremendously memorable event during my sophomore year at USC. Drumroll please… November 7, 2000: The Election of a Lifetime In the morning and early afternoon… Read more »

My Defining Days of the Decade: #12

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With all the best & worst of the decade lists floating around the Interwebs right now, as we await the imminent end of the 2000s and beginning of the twenty-teens, I thought it might be fun (at least for me!) to do a personal decade list. I’ll call it Brendan’s Defining Days of the Decade. This project is especially fun… Read more »

Happy Birthday, Sesame Street!

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If I were to rank the TV shows I spend the most time watching, Sesame Street — or, as Loyette calls it, “Fi-Fi!!!” — would probably be second only to “assorted live sporting events” (if that even counts as a show). Such is the life of a parent of an almost-two-year-old. 🙂 As a result, I tend to get random… Read more »

Happy Halloween!

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Notwithstanding the scary events that transpired up in Oregon, I had a great Halloween. Loyette went trick-or-treating for the first time — she was a pirate — and seemed to enjoy herself a lot. (She also loved helping us give candy to the neighborhood kids.) Loyacita came along for the ride in the Baby Bjorn, dressed as a tiger. Both… Read more »

I’m singing Mozart’s Requiem on Sunday

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Well, not just me. 🙂 The Augustana Chamber Choir, directed by Dick Larson, along with the Augustana Chancel Choir and the Musica Sacra Chamber Orchestra, will perform the Mozart Requiem this Sunday, All Saints Day. I recently joined the choir (I sing tenor), largely for the opportunity to sing this very piece of music. If you’re in the area, please… Read more »