Category Archives: My Life

Are you ready for some football?

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It’s a Monday Night party! Loyette’s ready: I made that video a couple of weeks ago, in anticipation of the start of football season, after discovering some months earlier that Loyette could “sing along” with the Monday Night Football theme song (or at least mimic Becky’s and my singing of it). Naturally, because this was super cute, we practiced it… Read more »

I remember

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I remember waking up at 6:50 AM Pacific Time, eight years ago today, to the sound of Becky’s voice talking frantically into my answering machine (my phone’s ringer had been turned off), saying something about how we were under attack by terrorists. I didn’t catch all the details because I was too groggy, having gone to bed around 3:00 AM… Read more »

Rocky Mountain holiday

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For Labor Day, I went with Becky & the girls up into the Rocky Mountains. We stopped initially at Lair o’ the Bear Park, where Loyette had a grand old time running around, getting dirty in the mud, and getting soaked in the stream. Then we headed down Route 103 to Echo Lake (where we stopped for a picnic lunch)… Read more »

The Onion imitates the LRT

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This article in The Onion sounds hilariously like something lifted out of my old Living Room Times newspaper, circa eighth grade (1994-95). Here’s a taste of the Onion story: In an event that everyone at James Madison Junior High is calling really freaking gross, some kid’s head got cracked open Wednesday during third-period gym class. … Although the extent of… Read more »

CFB Week 1 Live Blog / Live Chat

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YAY!!! It’s football season!!! The party officially starts at 3:30 PM EDT (when USC and ND kick off), but y’all are welcome to start using the Live Chat window (below right) whenever. As for the Live Blog (below left), I expect the frequency of my updates will vary wildly, as I’ll sometimes be holding a baby or chasing a toddler… Read more »

Then and now

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Once upon a time, say five years ago, my ritual on the night before any given Saturday of college football season (at least one with an ND home game) would have been something like this: Go out with friends to Corby’s, have a bunch of drinks, talk football and law nerdery and miscellaneous nonsense, then head to The Backer, have… Read more »

Pick ’em contest & Liveblog bleg

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First of all, one final (?) reminder. To join the 1st annual Living Room Times College Football Pick ‘em Contest, click here, then enter Group ID number 16830 and password irishtrojan. Deadline is 11:55 AM EDT tomorrow (Saturday). Secondly, is there anyone who’s going to a game tomorrow — particularly the USC or Notre Dame games — and who would… Read more »

Again with the reminders, oy

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1. Tonight, starting at 10pm EDT (8pm MDT), come to my informal Boise State-Oregon Live Chat, and help me test a variety of chat-platform options (and a couple of live-scoreboard widgets). Heck, you can check ’em out now if you like, but I figure “testing” will be easier if we have at least a handful of people together at the… Read more »

Don’t forget…

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…to enter the first annual Living Room Times College Football Pick ’em Contest! The deadline is 11:55 AM EDT on Saturday, but you can already make your picks now. Just click here, then enter Group ID number 16830 and password irishtrojan. (As I mentioned yesterday, contestants are encouraged, in choosing their “Pick Set Name,” to use a name or handle… Read more »

Announcing the Living Room Times College Football Pick ’em Contest!

This season, for the first time, I’m going to host a season-long college football pick ’em contest through Yahoo Sports. Each week, contestants will predict the outcome, against the point spread, of every Saturday game involving a Top 25 team. The deadline is 5 minutes before kickoff of the first such game (generally noon EDT, or 10am MDT). I decided… Read more »