Category Archives: My Life

3 hours, 2 games, 2 states, 2 top ten teams: a most Excellent Adventure

Just over a month ago now, DU Bally and I set out on an Excellent Adventure, an odyssey of open-road travel and (barely) above-the-Red Line basketball that took us to two separate Mountain West games, involving two Top Ten teams, in two different states, in the space of less than 3 1/2 hours. It was the most awesome hoops-related thing… Read more »

New dad Randy Styles wins Oscar Pool, his second straight LRT contest title

Randy Styles, who became a father Saturday morning, earned a perhaps slightly less momentous (heh) but still notable achievement Sunday night, as he won his second consecutive Living Room Times contest — following up his win in the LRT Bowl Pick ’em Contest with a victory in the LRT Oscar Pool. Better watch out for Randy in the upcoming NCAA… Read more »

Oscar Pool Results & Live Blog!

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Starting tonight at 6:00 PM Mountain Time (or a little thereafter, depending on kids’ bedtimes and such), I’ll be live-blogging the Academy Awards — and live-updating the results of my 7th annual Oscar Pool. Click here for the liveblog! Or, follow along below… but really, you want to click the link for the separate liveblog page, because that’s where the… Read more »

It’s Oscar Pool time!

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All right, kids… the Academy Awards are this Sunday, so it’s that time of year again… the 7th annual Living Room Times Oscar Pool is underway!! Complete rules are at the entry page. The deadline to enter is Sunday at 5:30 PM Mountain Time. The pool is, of course, free. The prize? Eternal glory! As always, contestants are urged to… Read more » test

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Click to Play My video from the wild Colorado-Kansas State ending last Saturday

This blog post is brought to you by the number 3 and the letters OMG

For those without the time or patience to listen to today’s podcast episode to learn our “news,” I suppose I’ll come out and say it: Becky and I are expecting Baby Loy #3 in July!!! Specifically, on July 8 — the very same date that Loyacita was due back in 2009 (though she was born five days late). We don’t… Read more »

My Defining Days of the Decade: #1

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Exactly one year, to the day, after I originally planned to finish my Brendan’s Defining Days of the Decade series, I’ve finally done it. (Well, except for the “honorable mentions”, which I’ll write up… er, probably sometime next year.) Yeah, it took way too long — we’re one-tenth of the way through a new decade already! — but we’ve finally… Read more »

“Balloons. Balloons. Balloons.”

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Tomorrow is Loyette’s third birthday, and we’re hosting a “Noon Year’s Eve”-themed birthday party for her. Becky (who is awesome) is doing the vast bulk of the planning, preparation and house-cleaning (did I mention Becky is awesome?), but she tasked me with devising a way to have a “balloon drop” at noon. So last night, after Becky blew up several… Read more »

My Defining Days of the Decade: #2

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A year later than originally planned, it’s time — long past time, really — to publish the final two items on my Brendan’s Defining Days of the Decade list. (Of the last decade, that is. Y’know, the one that ended on December 31, 2009. And no, I don’t believe the decade “technically” ends tomorrow. That logic might fly for centuries… Read more »