Category Archives: My Life

Programming note

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We’re just about 10 percent done with the 2010s, but as you may have noticed, my “Defining Days of the (Last) Decade” blog series remains unfinished, stalled at #3. But not for long!! I’ve finished writing #2, and will soon be done with #1 as well. I’ll be publishing them exactly one year to the day after I originally planned… Read more »

Toddler quotes of the day

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This should probably be a regular feature. Yesterday, while holding and playing with Becky’s iPhone: “Daddy, I’m tweeting, just like you tweet.” Today: “Mommy, we might have to bring Ralphie [her stuffed buffalo] and the manatee and your teddy bear downstairs, to keep the Grinch away.” Both quotes are from Loyette, obviously. Although Loyacita is starting to get old enough,… Read more »

We’re baaaack!

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After almost 24 hours offline due to server problems, the Living Room Times is back. Hopefully we’ll stay that way. Stay tuned. If the site goes offline again, you can get updates at my Twitter stream. Oh, speaking of Twitter… the right-hand column showing my latest tweets will not be updating for the time being. The plugin that updates the… Read more »

It’s Warbiany vs. The Major’s Girl in LRT College Football Pick ’em

The second annual Living Room Times College Football Pick ‘em Contest is going to overtime. “Old Gold & Black,” a.k.a. Brad Warbiany, and “The Major’s Girl” are tied for first place with 235 points, and are guaranteed to finish tied for first place with 252 points because of the contest’s rule dropping each contestant’s lowest weekly point total. (The lowest,… Read more »

New masthead?

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I mentioned in my introductory post that The Pioneer Post’s masthead was most likely temporary. Well, I now have several different possibilities, and I haven’t decided yet which one to use. Thoughts, anyone? Here are my options; click to blow up to full size: By the way, about that second one down… yes, that’s DU BALLZ sitting on press row… Read more »

Election Day live-tweeting

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All day long Tuesday, my tweets will appear, in real-time, in the window below. So will Becky‘s, Nate Silver‘s, Drudge_Siren‘s, and, just for fun, the Big Ben Clock‘s. Election Day 2010 (You’ll need to initially hit “Click for Live Updates” to get things moving.) To join in the conversation, tweet something @brendanloy, and/or with the hashtag #lrt10, and it’ll appear… Read more »

From the archives: How the LRT covered the last GOP wave

One of the neat things about deciding last year to name my blog “The Living Room Times,” and link it to my middle- and high-school newspaper of that name from 1993 through 1999, is that it effectively extended the institutional memory of this enterprise back more than an extra decade-and-a-half, allowing me to occasionally draw from some really old archives…. Read more »


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Here’s loyal LRT reader Jim Kelly, representin’ #PANIC!!! at the Colbert & Stewart Rally To Restore Sanity And/Or Fear‎ on Saturday (my birthday): Heh!

Halloween at the Loys’

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Yes, the jack-o-lantern at left says “VOTE OR DIE.” All credit to Becky on that — indeed, on both of our awesome jack-o-lanterns. Anyway, here are some shots of trick-or-treaters coming to our door. Between 5:00 PM and roughly 7:45 PM, we gave away more than 1,100 pieces of candy. And we could have given away several hundred more, if… Read more »