Category Archives: My Life

Enter my Election Prediction Contest!

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Election Day is five days away, and that can mean only two things: one, conservatives are practically wetting themselves with glee and excitement, while Democrats flip-flop between desperate hope and abject #PANIC!!!; and two, it’s time for the Living Room Times 2010 Midterm Election Prediction Contest! As always with LRT/ contests, it’s free to enter. So, political junkies: put your… Read more »

Tie atop Pick ’em Contest at 54-8

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“AwesomeSauce” and “Old Gold & Black” lead the 2nd annual Living Room Times College Football Pick ’em Contest through last weekend’s games, with prediction records of 54-8. They’ve both scored exactly 27 points in each of the two weeks of the contest. (Old Gold & Black took sole possession of the lead twice Saturday, but gave it back each time.)… Read more »

The Loy family grows again (temporarily)

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This weekend’s big news in the Loy household is that, for the first time since Robbie died a little over 2 years ago, we have a dog — another greyhound from the local rescue organization. Her name’s Elsa, and she’s a cutie: We’re only fostering her, and unlike with Robbie (who was also originally a foster dog), we really do… Read more »

Better late than never: the 2nd annual LRT College Football Pick ’em Contest!

I didn’t get my act together in time to launch this for Week 1, but no matter… it’s time for the 2nd annual Living Room Times College Football Pick ‘em Contest! We’ll start with Week 2, so for those of you would totally would have picked Jacksonville State over Ole Miss and North Dakota State over Kansas… sorry! Anyway, to… Read more »

Water down its roots with tea

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Ever since the 4th of July, when we listened to a some patriotic music in the car while driving to a fireworks show, Loyette has been obsessed with, as she adorably calls it, “pay-pee-otic” music. For a while, her favorite was “God Bless America” (which she now has memorized, and will sometimes sing in its entirety when she feels randomly… Read more »

Gawker steals dorky picture of me from my old blog, uses it as stock photo of “Ungrateful Law Grad”

A few minutes ago, I got a @ message from somebody on Twitter saying, “Wondering if you’ve already seen this??!?!?” with a link to this blog post on Gawker, titled “Law Grads Ungrateful for Their Priceless Knowledge.” What makes the post noteworthy, from my perspective, is the stock photo they used to illustrate it: The post has nothing to do… Read more »

Warrior Dash, before & after

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No comments from the peanut gallery on my t-shirt being a symbol of USC’s “dirty” program, please. 🙂 Oh, and about those hand-prints on Becky’s bra? I’d love to take credit, but they’re totally not mine! My hands are way bigger. 😛 They’re actually hers. I’m not sure what inspired her to grab her own boobs… I guess that’s just… Read more »