Category Archives: Elections & Politics (U.S.)

BREAKING: The United States Senate is a detestable pile of horse manure

“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” an odious and indefensible policy of intentional and irrational discrimination whose repeal is supported by large majorities of voters, soldiers, and members of Congress, as well as the president / commander-in-chief and the leaders of the military itself, nevertheless remains the law of the land — likely for an indefinite period of time into the future,… Read more »

Deep thought of the day

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President Obama, whose political and communication skills were supposed to make him the “liberal Reagan,” has instead managed — somehow — to simultaneously and in equal measure piss off both his liberal base and swing voters, such that neither will be inclined to cut him any slack in the second half of his term. Liberals think he’s a total corporatist… Read more »

It’s beginning to look a lot like #PANIC

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I already tweeted this, but since new tweets aren’t showing up in the sidebar right now, due to the hangover from the recent blog outage… Friday’s Planet Money podcast, about Europe’s debt woes and the potential Lehman-style mega-crisis that could be in their (and our) future, was a classic in the #PANIC!!! genre. It may be their most unnerving episode… Read more »

Dear Sarah Palin: Please go away. Now. Love, Joe Scarborough. (OMG RINO!)

Irked by the reality TV star and former half-term governor of Alaska’s ridiculous self-comparison to Ronald Reagan, and culture-war dismissal of the Bush family, Scarborough keeps calm, carries on, busts out the scathing sarcasm, and strikes back: What man or mouse with a fully functioning human brain and a résumé as thin as Palin’s would flirt with a presidential run?… Read more »

TheSplenda wins LRT Election Contest

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A Democratic concession today in Texas’s 27th congressional district brought the GOP’s net gain in the House to a minimum of 62 seats — and thereby clinched victory for TheSplenda in the Living Room Times 2010 Midterm Election Prediction Contest. TheSplenda narrowly edges out Kevin Curran (kcatnd) and John Presper (Joe Mama) by a single point, presently 107 to 106… Read more »

CotW: Timely Election Debrief

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Our long state nightmare is finally over. And by nightmare, I mean about 6 days’ worth of post-election confusion about who was going to be our governor: that one white guy from southern Connecticut who promised to slash the budget, tax us fairly, and do it without causing any discomfort, or that one white guy from southern Connecticut who promised… Read more »

Curran, perfect in Senate, leads contest, but TheSplenda may be the favorite

With Rossi conceding to Murray in WA-SEN, and projecting that Blumenthal will win by double-digits in CT-SEN (he’s leading by 10.7% with 96% of the precincts reporting), plus another error corrected, things are finally coming into focus in the Living Room Times 2010 Midterm Election Prediction Contest. The bottom line: Kevin Curran is the current leader, but TheSplenda is… Read more »

Curran, Splenda tied in Election Contest

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I wrote earlier, of the LRT Election Prediction Contest, that I hadn’t had time to “make the standings chart pretty.” Well, now I’ve made it pretty! You can see for yourself: HTML version, PDF version. It shows every contestant’s pick for every question, colored green if correct, red if incorrect, or gray if the result is unknown as of yet…. Read more »

LRT Midterm Contest too close to call; for the moment, I’m ahead

I don’t have time to do a full analysis of scenarios, or make the standings chart pretty, so I’ll open-source it — if anybody wants to try and figure out the various scenarios, here are the full current standings, plus everyone’s picks on the uncalled or possibly recount-bound races (AK-SEN, CO-SEN, WA-SEN, CT-GOV, IL-GOV) and miscellaneous questions (the closest Senate… Read more »