Category Archives: Elections & Politics (U.S.)

The deficit, solved

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Ross Douthat has solved America’s deficit problem: Good news, America: Using the online budget simulator created by the good people at the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, I’ve successfully reduced our deficit to a relatively stable 60 percent of G.D.P. by the year 2018. All it took was means-testing Social Security and raising the retirement age to 68, keeping… Read more »

I still think Dick Blumenthal will surivive

Will my snap prediction that “Richard Blumenthal will survive misstatement-gate, and will be sworn in as Connecticut’s junior senator on January 3, 2011” go down in the pantheon of Great Brendan Loy Political Prognostications, alongisde Rudy Giuliani will win the 2008 GOP nomination and Hillary Clinton “will not win a single primary”? Twenty-four hours later, survey says… “The latest Rasmussen… Read more »

Lieberman’s citizenship-stripping bill: Bad idea, or worst idea ever?

In the wake of the latest asinine debate over whether U.S. citizens arrested on U.S. soil on suspicion of terrorism (conservative police-statists, please stop and re-read that phrase — “on suspicion of” — as in, not convicted, as in not guilty, as in presumed innocent — as many times as necessary until your alleged small-government principles are activated) should be… Read more »

NERD PROM! Obama rips Leno, Biden, Goldman, Rahm, Crist, Steele, Romney, Brown, Palin, himself at “big f***in’ meal”

Lots of good stuff at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, a.k.a. #nerdprom, last night. I love the jabs at Leno. And Orly Taitz is totally working on a new federal court filing as we speak. OMG HE ADMITTED HE WAS BORN IN KENYA!!! HE ADMITTED HE HASN’T SHOWN US HIS REAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE!!! [Bumped. -ed.] UPDATE: After the jump, the… Read more »

CotW: Guns, Guns Everywhere

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So, I was going to shirk my duty this week and not write a Complaint at all. I’ve been writing papers like mad and frankly the thought of spending more time at my keyboard made me a bit sick to my stomach. But then, I spotted this article on my Sidebar feed and read it and it got me thinking…. Read more »

About those Tea Partiers…

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Andrew Sullivan: Their partisanship and cultural hostility to Obama are far more intense, it seems to me, than their genuine proposals to reduce spending and taxation. And this is largely because they have no genuine proposals to reduce spending and taxation. They seem very protective of Medicare and Social Security – and their older age bracket underlines this. They also… Read more »

Holy s***!! Feds sue Goldman Sachs for fraud over Magnetar-like shenanigans; stock market PANICS!!!; heads asplode; Matt Taibbi faints; world ends

The SEC: it’s a WAR!! Against Goldman Sachs!! Fear!! Fire!! Foes!! Awake!! PANIC!!!!! In an absolutely stunning development, Wall Street titan Goldman Sachs, whose influence is so pervasive that it’s been accused of being virtually a branch of the federal government unto itself, has been sued by the federal government — specifically the Securities and Exchange Commission — for alleged… Read more »