Category Archives: Elections & Politics (U.S.)

Post-Bayh procedural fireworks in Indiana?

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In the wake of Evan Bayh’s decision not to seek re-election, Campaign Diaries reports on a potentially decisive election-procedure wrinkle in the Hoosier State: Bayh’s retirement also sets up a very confusing situation because it comes just 24 hours from the registration deadline for statewide candidates! While Indiana’s filing deadline is on Friday, Senate candidates need to deposit 500 signatures… Read more »

The Party of No, Colorado edition

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[WARNING: Political ranting ahead, with some profanity. I’m pissed off.] I’ll be the first to admit that, as a relatively new Coloradan, I don’t pay as much attention to state politics as I should. But tonight, on my commute home, I heard a story on Colorado Public Radio about the current budget debate — and it made me furious with… Read more »

Other Groundhog Day news

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In case you haven’t heard, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning, which means six more weeks of winter. In other news, Nancy Pelosi saw her shadow, which means six more weeks without health-care reform. Also, Barack Obama saw his shadow, but insisted he inherited it from George W. Bush. Scott Brown saw his shadow, but announced it’s not his… Read more »

Hillary to skip SOTU; everybody panic?

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Alasdair, in comments, on Friday: I’m just curious if our Secretary of State will be the one to volunteer to be absent from the SOTU … if she does, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere in the North-East during the SOTU speech, and especially not in DC … Not that I believe she would try anything, but we are talking… Read more »

Reminder: Liveblog tomorrow!

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Make no mistake: There will be a State of the Union Live Blog & Live Chat tomorrow. Let me be clear: it won’t happen overnight. (Rather, it will start at 6:50 PM Mountain Time, or 8:50 EDT.) So bring your teleprompter and join us for some “partisan games”! Yes We Can! [UPDATE/CORRECTION: I’ll put the chat window up a bit… Read more »

Life imitates The Onion

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First came this fake news report from the Onion News Network… …and then, as if in answer, this real photo, featured today on the Drudge Report, of Obama speaking at an elementary school — with a pair of teleprompters in tow: Heh. As actual political commentary, the Obama-teleprompter meme is pretty dumb; as comedy, however, it’s pretty damn funny. Case… Read more »

Lieberman might endorse Lamont

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Again, you can’t make it up: Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman is keeping his options open as he considers possible endorsements for the fall elections — including backing one-time rival Ned Lamont. …Lamont beat Lieberman in a bitter Democratic primary in 2006, but then lost to Lieberman in the general election after Lieberman ran as an independent. Lamont is now considering… Read more »

Next Wednesday night: SOTU liveblog!

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Just wanted to throw out an early plug for my State of the Union live blog / live chat, for which I’ll be trying out a new service that I’ve just discovered, an alternative to CoverItLive called ScribbleLive. Seems pretty cool, and very customizable. And, unlike during the BCS Title Game, anyone can join the chat — no login required!… Read more »