Category Archives: Elections & Politics (U.S.)

Red Massachusetts

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Via Daily Kos, a red-blue-purple map of yesterday’s Massachusetts vote: The author notes the map’s similarity to the Obama-Clinton primary map from 2008 (which you can see in the Kos post) and quotes this tweet: “Q: Where are the other potential Dem collapse areas this Nov? A: Almost precisely the places Hillary carried in the 08 prez primary.”

What can Brown do for you?

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Today’s Boston Herald looks a bit like one of those infinite-loop things, where you videotape a TV screen showing… your live video of the TV screen. If only the Scott Brown in the “HE DID IT!” Herald was holding up a copy of the previous day’s Herald. Seriously, someone needs to get a photo of Scott Brown holding up today’s… Read more »

Changing of the guard

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Somewhat poetically, the Hartford Courant homepage features side-by-side photos of, and stories about, Connecticut’s soon-to-be-former senior senator, Chris Dodd, and the man who will almost certainly be sworn in as his replacement — and the state’s new junior senator — in almost exactly one year, Richard Blumenthal: Blumenthal, the state attorney general for approximately the last 164 years, has held… Read more »

We the People: “childish, contemptuous and hysterical”

I haven’t blogged much about the Christmas Day Underpants Bomber incident, nor the “security” debate that it has triggered, but suffice it to say, David Brooks and Glenn Greenwald are right. First, Brooks: [T]he system is bound to fail sometimes. Reality is unpredictable, and no amount of computer technology is going to change that. Bureaucracies are always blind because they… Read more »

Worst. Decade. Ever.

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Heh. (Hat tip: InstaPundit.) By the way… here’s a good Volokh post about the whole 2010 vs. 2011 “decade” debate, essentially agreeing with me on the issue. Money quote: [T]he second decade of the twenty-first century, if you want to use the term “second decade,” might begin either in the 2010 or 2011; my sense is that actual usage is… Read more »

Obama convenes poultry death panel, spares turkey

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In addition to the funny tweets posted below, here’s another take on today’s official turkey pardoning, from Doug Mataconis: “That must be the biggest Turkey to get a Presidential Pardon since Ford pardoned Nixon.” Heh. Personally, I want to know whether that turkey was even born in this country. I bet he’s a foreigner, and thus constitutionally ineligible to be… Read more »

The GOP’s unserious leaders

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Ross Douthat opines: It’s possible to be a celebrity and a serious politician at the same time: Barack Obama’s career proves as much. But Obama’s celebrity status is frequently a political liability, and he’s (usually) wise enough to know it. That’s why he plays the wonk as often as he plays the global icon. For now, no Republican leader projects… Read more »